Alumni Spotlight: Alex Phipps

Why did you study abroad on the AIFS Business & Politics in the EU program?

Alex in front of the Eiffel Tower

Alex: I knew friends who had gone on AIFS study abroad programs and had been very happy with how well organized they were. I knew AIFS was a well known organization and I would be able to trust it to be legitimate.

The program visited so many countries over a summer that it would have been hard to beat! Also, the program gave me the opportunity to visit many headquarters that I may never have had the chance to see otherwise such as the European Central Bank and Parliament in Westminster.

What made your study abroad experience unique and special?

Alex: Since I did not go on a program through my school, I was able to branch out of my comfort zone and meet new people. It was also nice because everyone else on the trip was in the same position that I was, which made it easy to adjust. Also, I definitely made the right decision in picking a multi-city program. While I loved all of the cities that I visited, I feel like I would have missed out on so much if I was confined to one city for the whole program. Thus, I was able to experience so many different cultures in such a little span of time.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Alex: My experience has solidified my feelings about working abroad, either full time or in spurts. As an International Business major, I was always enticed by the idea of working for a large, international company. By studying abroad and getting to visit and hear about many corporate and international companies in Europe, I have realized that this is definitely what I want to be doing.

Alex on the Business & Politics in the EU program

Academically, the program gave me a hands on approach to some of the concepts and policies that I have studied in the United States. By seeing things applied, I was able to enhance my learning and everything took on a new light. By seeing the history of the euro evolve right in my presence, I became much more engaged! I have taken this interest back with me and I continue to keep up with the current events of Europe and enjoy seeing how this relates to other countries not in the EU.