Alumni Spotlight: Alexis Naylor

Why did you study abroad with API in Madrid?

Alexis in front of the Eiffel Tower

Alexis: I chose API after extensively researching other programs and talking with my friends who had done study abroad. My friend who studied in Florence with API had great things to say about API.

As far as which school to choose from in Madrid, I was looking for a program that could offer a language program and sure enough Antonio de Nebrija offered an intensive Spanish course. It was perfect because my main goal for studying in Spain was to learn Spanish.

What made your study abroad experience in Madrid, Spain unique and special?

Alexis: I think the program itself made my experience one in a lifetime. The program directors in Madrid set up tours, movie nights, and dinners for us along with various trips outside of Madrid. They brought us all together and helped us really get a feel for the country and culture. Also, although they helped bring us together, they also helped us become more independent and helped us to try new things in a foreign place.

Alexis and other API students in Santander, Spain

How has this experience impacted your future?

Alexis: This experience has helped me in a number of ways. Personally, I feel like I have really gotten to know myself. Learning to live on your own in a place where you don't speak the language and the culture is very different from your own can be tough and challenging at times, but it has also helped me grow. I have became a more independent person!

As far as the business world and academics, my spanish has improved tremendously and I was able to fulfill a few classes at my University through the programs in Spain. Also, companies really like to see that you have been immersed in another culture while learning new things. I actually recently got an internship and the CEO of the company was so excited because he had studied abroad in Spain a while back.

Overall, I think studying abroad was one of the best opportunities I ever had a chance to do. I have learned many things about myself and about the world as well as made lifelong friendships that many people won't get to experience and I feel very grateful. I always tell my friends to go study abroad somewhere. My recommendation to everyone who is interested is do it while we're young and before we have to start a career because then the chance may never come.

Alexis with some friends in Madrid, Spain