Alumni Spotlight: Milton Navarro

Why did you decide to study abroad with API in Spain?

Milton: Researching on study abroad programs, I felt that API seemed to offer more variety in my academic, cultural and language interests. Visualizing in attending an institution at a foreign country interested me, and API seemed to fully capture that idea with their featured high level language programs. But what really hooked me to API were their full tuition price and all the perks that came with it. Not only would tuition cover me in room and board and health insurance but as well in being part of the Catalan culture by going on various excursions and joining extra curricular activities such as soccer, cooking class and flamenco style dancing.

Milton studying abroad in Barcelona

What do you think made studying in Spain a unique experience?

Milton: Having family cultural ties in Spain, captivated my overall motivation to fully search out and experience much of the rich culture in Barcelona; a city with endless opportunities both day and night. The one special factor that makes Barcelona different amongst all other cities in Europe is the vast cultural differences throughout the city but with the same ideal that everyone in a way contains the same traditional values. At times I saw Barcelona as a city clashing between old life style and new. For instance my roundabouts in the Gothic Quarters fills the city with a lot of historical value but ten minutes later I was in Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, a more modernistic approach in architecture. This clash of old and new is what makes the city very complex especially when I tried to speak to my Catalan neighbors.

Although they spoke Spanish, challenging myself to learn the local language got me respect and really made me understand the city more. What was very odd I found in this country were their “siestas” where for two hours all stores closed for a nap. To me that seemed like a great idea since later on I would have more energy at night while dancing at a Discoteca (night club) or enjoying a nice Sangria at a local Bar. But the best perk out of API’s program in this energetic city, was that it is the host city of my favorite soccer league team, FC Barcelona. I did not miss any opportunity where I could go to all the games. In total I went to 7 games but the best one was the clasico which was against Real Madrid, to me that was a life changing experience as I saw Messi shoot his goal and bring down the enemy.

Besides enjoying my thrive in soccer or a swim in the Mediterranean Sea, admiring Gaudi’s architecture, and all the awesome Art and museums, academia in Spain really challenge me thus far in my educational life. Finishing my degree in Political Science at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Spain was a great decision to make, since it open the box that I had with world politics. My Geopolitics Professor extremely challenged the class to express and be open to issues from the European perspective. And what better is there then to head to class while walking and enjoying the Cosmopolitan city and vast difference in architecture on the rooftops and neighborhoods in Barcelona. At the end of a long day, finishing of in enjoying Catalan dishes at a restaurant in Gracia (a neighborhood in Barcelona where I resided), put the cherry on top of my study abroad experience.

Milton visited Prague while studying abroad

How did this experience impact your academic development?

Milton: It impacted me personally because it made me cherish my family cultural roots even more. Being Spaniard and Central American descent encouraged me to fully take on in learning the distinction in cultures from Spain and Central America. Barcelona is a city I see myself living in one day.

Thanks to API for taking the time to hear all the questions I had about where to go on this modernistic city. API really encouraged me to take on the big city with all their activities that they offered. As a whole this experience, I met many people that I now have a special connection to. Having that friendship with my local neighbors and with the API community makes me comfortable to come back to the city again. Who knows maybe I end up finding a job here in Spain and build my career? All I know is that it has opened up a lot of opportunities for me because of such experience I have been able to receive a well-rounded education.

Part of my decision in studying abroad was to also check a certain life goal on my list which was to travel all over Europe and because Spain was close to everything I was able to do that on the weekends. In the end API seemed to best fit my expectations from a study abroad program. Studying in Barcelona, allowed molding my thoughts on politics with international views on certain global issues.