Alumni Spotlight: Kelly Lange

What originally inspired you to teach in Spain with the ministry of Education?

Kelly: I really liked that the program would give me an opportunity to improve my Spanish, while gaining experience in the field of education which was perfect because I had just received a degree in education. The best part is being able to travel around Europe in my free time.

Describe your day to day activities as a teacher?

Kelly: I have taught at two different schools so my daily activities differed from school to school. Both schools gave me the standard 12 hour a week schedule that was divided up between Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. At one school I would go in and just assist the teachers in the 3 bilingual classrooms, in subjects like art, social studies and gym. I would read from the book, help carry out activities and lead discussions. I had a total of 40 students between the 3 classes.

At the other school I teach only the subject of English and I am expected to plan lessons and/or teach the entire lesson when I am there. I teach in 11 different English classes and have over 200 students.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Kelly: I have gained experience in my professional field and I have expanded my options in education by mastering Spanish. Also, I did something I had always dreamed of doing, living in Europe. I am very thankful I took advantage of such a great opportunity.