Alumni Spotlight: Kwang Cham

Dr. Kwang Cham is originally from Singapore and has been living and working in Melbourne for 10 years. He is currently a lecturer at the University of Melbourne. Kwang enjoys intellectual conversations, design markets and cooking. His trip was from January 8 - February 3, 2013.

Why did you decide to volunteer abroad with ROV in Peru?

ROV volunteers in Peru

Kwang: The organization was fantastic and very helpful in answering queries prior to signing up. The trip was also well planned, and the cost was reasonable. The itinerary fit well with what I was looking for.

What advice would you give to future volunteers?

Kwang: Embark on your unique journey with an open mind. Be adventurous, forgiving and understanding as not everything goes according to plan, especially in a third world country. Know exactly what you sign up for and be prepared for the work required physically and mentally.

What made this experience unique and special?

Kwang: First time volunteering trip in a foreign non-English speaking country – definitely a great challenge. I was able to experience a different culture long enough to gain some understanding of Peruvians. I also learned some basic skills in building a kitchen (like mixing cement)! Making a positive improvement on the lives of orphans left me with a a sense of goodwill. Meeting people from all over the world was interesting and fun.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Kwang: This trip was indeed a humbling and enriching experience for me. I realize how fortunate I am to be in my current position. It made me more content with my current achievements and appreciate the basic things in life. By contributing back to society, I felt a greater sense of self-fulfillment and my personal well-being was enhanced.