Alumni Spotlight: JB


JB is from Mountain View, California and attended the San Jose State University. He now lives in San Jose and works for a local law firm. In his free time JB likes to enjoy the outdoors and travel whenever he has the chance.

What is one piece of advice you'd give future students traveling with your program?

I would recommend planning to travel before or after your internship. I didn't have time to do this, but a bunch of other people in our program did and they had an amazing time. In South East Asia all the countries are very close to each other and with a $60 plan ticket, you can visit Cambodia, Thailand, or Vietnam.

Tell us about an experience you had that you could not have had at home.

During my internship, a big group of us traveled to Palawan for a long weekend. Palawan was ranked as the #1 beach in the world and it was only a one hour flight from Manila where we were staying. It was by far the coolest place I have ever been. The water was 84 degrees and there were white sand beaches everywhere. I definitely recommend going if you have the chance.

Describe your favorite must-have food that you tried abroad?

My favorite food was definitely Pork Sisig. I had never tried it before coming to the Philippines, but I was hooked once I tried. We would go to a great restaurant next door to our hotel at least twice a week to get it.

Do you feel you got a chance to see the city from a local's perspective?

Definitely. I think SK Pacific gave me a very unique experience. As an intern abroad, I worked directly with local people at their offices. It was great to see what day to day life was like for people in a another part of the world. It also gave me a new perspective on life back home. I made many great friends at work and I was overall surprised how helpful and inviting everyone was.