Alumni Spotlight: Julie Day


Julie Day is a senior at Gettysburg College majoring in Spanish and English with a Writing Concentration. She is originally from Berlin, Pennsylvania and the senior intern for the Admissions Office.

Why did you pick this program?

I picked the IES Abroad program mainly because it was affiliated with my home school and they were able to tell me about everything the program offered. I found a truly unique immersion experience in the Spanish culture and the opportunity to become involved in the community.

What do you wish someone had told you before you went abroad?

I heard many people talk about their own unique experiences prior to going abroad. They gave me advice about how to make it a rewarding experience, but it was difficult even with their guidance to embrace a completely different way of life at first. So I guess I would say that hearing how it's okay to feel frustrated in the beginning would have been very helpful.

What is the most important thing you learned abroad?

I have become so much more confident and independent as a part of studying abroad. Watching myself grow into a individual who isn't afraid to try something new or step out of my comfort zone became the most valuable thing that I took away from the experience.

What was the hardest part about going abroad?

I would have to say that the full immersion into another language and culture was the most difficult aspect of my abroad experience at first. But with time, it became also one of the most rewarding parts of the experience as I watched my language skills blossom more than I had ever thought possible.

What's your favorite story to tell about your time abroad?

One of my favorite memories abroad was when my housemate and I took our host mother out to dinner in the balcony of a restaurant overlooking the Plaza Mayor for Mother's Day. It was a fabulous evening and she was very surprised!

What made this experience unique and special?

IES Abroad Salamanca is a very unique program in that it allows for students across a wide range of interests to find something they are passionate about, and it becomes very easy to get involved. They offer internship opportunities, volunteerism, intercambios, and much more, so not only are you having a great immersion experience, but you are able to pursue other passions while doing it.

Tell us about an experience you had that you could not have had at home.

The experience to serve as an English language instructor for a cultural center in Salamanca was an amazing opportunity to work with people from all over the world who had immigrated to Salamanca. I would not have had this chance anywhere else, and I am extremely grateful for the people I was able to meet as a part of this program.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I was very focused on my academics while in Salamanca, and although I highly encourage students to still be very diligent in their studies, sometimes I ended up missing out on some fun activities because I was too preoccupied with studying. So I would say try not to overwhelm yourself and be sure to have fun every once in a while.

What made this trip meaningful to you, or how did this trip change your perceptions or future path?

My time abroad was a life-changing experience. I look back on who I was prior to making the nearly 5,000-mile journey across the Atlantic to Spain and then compare that to who I am now, this opportunity has shaped my life and who I dream to become. I have made lasting connections with so many incredible individuals that I would not have met otherwise. I can only say how fortunate I am to have had the chance to make a difference and gain a different perspective through my study abroad experience.

How did your living accommodation affect your experience abroad?

I stayed with a host mom during my semester abroad, and I can say without hesitation that this was one of the best parts of my experience. I still text my host mom every day, and can't wait until I can return to Spain to see her. Our time together allowed me to find my second family. I absolutely loved living with her and Jaco, and my housemate. I learned so much Spanish, too!