Staff Spotlight: Melanie Chu

Country Manager
Melanie loves the outdoors and adventure trips. She is passionate about working alongside local communities and making a difference to both their lives and the lives of the volunteers working with them.

woman on a hammock

What is your favorite travel memory?

I have so many travel memories to choose from and each of them is unique in its own way. None are the same. My favorite travel memories are from traveling around Asia where I met the friendliest people on earth and got to be part of its culture and tradition. Seeing the sights and sounds, whether they be historical or national heritage area sites, tasting all the gastronomical delights and experiencing endless of adventure and nature activities. At the end of each trip, it will always be the people that made your stay and if you come with open minds you will get valuable experiences that you would have never imagined you could coming from a very different background.

Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

Through my experience of traveling and meeting people, not many people would know where the east Malaysian part of Borneo is on the map. It is the largest island in Asia and 3rd largest in the world. One that has one of the most diverse culture, heritage, wildlife, spectacular rainforest and majestic Mount Kinabalu, beautiful islands, beaches and amazing diving spots in the world.

It seems like almost everyone has gone to or is planning on going to places like New York, London, Paris, Bangkok and Tokyo. While those popular travel spots certainly have their place, you will absolutely find lots to love about this beautiful yet underrated international travel destination in Borneo.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

A company is most successful when you not only work as a team but like your own family. A company that includes every employees in its future plans in mind. A company that prioritizes on the importance of Customer Service, listening to customers and being flexible to make sure that they have the best possible trip.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

This would be my 8th year into the organization and I must say that it's the best place I have ever worked for. Seeing how it has grown since its inception in Borneo I have gone through many challenges and unforgettable experiences out of my comfort zones. These challenges and experiences had very much impacted how much I have grown from meeting people from all walks of life. Seeing the issues of our environment, climate change, poverty around you on the ground, makes you want to do more. For when there's a problem, there's always a solution to solve.

Things don't change for the better overnight and so the thing we call work continues, that it doesn't feel like work but becoming part of your life on a day to day basis. It feels really good to be able to work with a company that cares to make a difference.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Our company tagline goes with this saying "Ethical Journeys Without Compromise" and I believe this whole heartedly as we do not compromise on safety, the livelihood of people we work with and much more.

woman with community outside house

We run our own camps and projects responsibly, directly with local communities. Being the country manager in Borneo, the job is a huge responsibility to manage a lot of people all year round, running the operations, logistics, projects, activities and much more. Most of all making sure that all our staff and clients work in a safe environment, a lot of care and attention in every aspects with everything we do. Our passion is to inspire people in the hope that after going on our programs one would come out being a positive, independent and responsible individuals.

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team.

When we get a thank you email, letter or card from teachers / students / volunteers telling us how much they have enjoyed their stay, that we have been professional and very organized with their program, keeping everyone safe and had great fun at the same time. We had many volunteers who returned a number of times for a visit just to see us as many made friends for life and gained an extended family home away from home.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I have heard many amazing stories over the years and all are special in its own way. The best story I have heard would be a student who raised funds to come out to Borneo 3 years ago for a school expedition. That trip has inspired her to become a very exceptional young adult from 17 to a 20 year old UN Human Rights Activist.