What is your favorite travel memory?
It really is the simple things. The day after a grueling canoe portage and a long day of paddling along the Maine lakes, we got to our island campsite early in the afternoon.
The sun was shining across the water, lighting up the autumnal colors beneath the distant mountains. In the afternoon "heat" we decided to empty the boats and paddle a bit out into the lake before diving into the water.
So cold! So fun. So gorgeous.
How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?
As the founder of Gap at Glen Brook, I have had to change as the program has grown over the past few years. Living as part of a community of learners, whether as a participant or a leader, inspires you to continue to find your growth edge and push beyond it.
I've learned so much more about communication and leadership, as well as how to manage a growing organization!
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
A great organization — or community, for that matter — has strong guiding principles that keep everyone working towards common goals.
In equal measure, successful organizations are able to pivot to meet new challenges, approach new opportunities, and reevaluate older principles.
It's a tough balance to strike, and one that the leaders and participants spend time discussing at Gap at Glen Brook.
What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?
At Gap at Glen Brook, we have the opportunity to engage in a diverse array of activities and stewardship opportunities because of the long-standing community relationships we have with other organizations, companies, and artisans in the Monadnock region.
One year our task was to build a mobile chicken coop for 100 birds—from scratch. The Gap Fam stepped up to the plate, learning from the guidance available and getting some serious on-the-job training.
Before long, the lead farmer we were working with could take a well-earned break while the gappers took over the role of lead builder. There are laying hens happily nesting in the coop as I write!