Staff Spotlight: Carly Schade

Regional Coordinator (Laos)


What is your favorite travel memory?

Summer of 2017, day one of guiding. Before we could build the new primary school, our first task was to move the old structure - this massive, wooden roof. It required the help of every volunteer, staff and community member. The entire village of Sop Chem came out on day one to support this project.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

My personal and professional development has grown exponentially since working for GIVE. I'm able to problem solve even the most high-stressed situations while still maintaining group dynamics. Working with GIVE has developed my compassion, leadership and cross-cultural communication. Because of my involvement with GIVE, I wake up every day inspired by the individuals I meet.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The Nongkhiaw Viewpoint trek in Laos. It's a steep climb for about an hour and a half up. One student said said it was one of the more challenging things she's ever done. It was not until she pushed herself to the top that she started to cry. She sat down looking out at the most beautiful country she's ever seen and truly reflected on her trip and how much she grew.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I've already been on the Laos program which I highly recommend to anyone. The community of Sop Chem is a small village full of hard-working, intelligent, motivated and hilarious individuals. Women empowerment is a central theme to all of our programs and it's especially highlighted here. I never thought I would call a place so different than my own home, but this community is home.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

The central theme to all our trips is Global Citizenship. GIVE teaches this idea that we live in a world without borders and that we are all part of "team human." We make an impact with our projects on the ground but we also make an impact by returning home with a new worldly perspective. The discussions and education-based material we teach throughout the trip allows us to continue making an impact long after we've left the country.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

GIVE is always striving to better itself as an organization. We use best practices with all our projects and are continually adjusting our strategies. GIVE works because it cares. We believe we can impact the world while impacting ourselves. GIVE would not be successful without it's local involvement. Our local staff in each country are the center to our success, it's their knowledge, motivation, and leadership that make our projects legitimate and impactful.