Staff Spotlight: Alicia Matisson

French teacher for foreigners


First thing, teaching to her is a vocation, so she chose to teach French around the world in order to be able to live in many different countries instead of only travel as a tourist. It's the best opportunity to meet an other cultures and get to understand the difference with hers. It's a real value to her. She has ever lived in Spain, Vanuatu, Australia, New Zealand, Morocco, Ecuador... She loves challenges.

What is your favorite travel memory?

As I've been working abroad in many different cultures, it's hard to choose only one. But from my experience, India taught me that you can always communicate even without a common language, and Vanuatu, how population can still live very close to nature, and with all of those experiences you know that everywhere there is something to surprise you, to learn about people, about the world, but also about yourself.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I think being able to offer to teenagers the opportunity to improve their social skill, independence, knowledge about French culture while living in a city or with a family is really enriching for everyone. I have the chance to assist them in their adaptation, understanding, and it's really something gratifying to me.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of the best return is knowing that teenager themselves promote our internship. It happened few times that a little brother insists to come because of his elder brother's experience. That's the best feedback on our work.

Also, some of them stay in contact with their host family for years; that's truly enjoyable.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I love that sort of programs because you can enjoy an internship in different countries, so I would love to take part in programs abroad in order to know better other places, keep on working on my languages skills. Barcelona is a city so rich, with so many treasures, that I can't imagine how many times I should go there to say that I totally know it.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

We really adapt our team to the student's need, and the activities we offer are one of the best ways to discover a new place: cultural, artistic, sports, originals, we always try to surprise them, innovate with teaching...

Depending on the people we are welcoming, the goal is about making their experience unique.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think that communication is the very first factor because it's the only way to know your coworkers and, during internships, you need to be sure that all the team have the same goal and is reliable. Trust seems essential.

I like to work in a prosper atmosphere and I'm sure it's the only way to be efficient, so any factor that appears in favor of cohesion is important.