I'm from Pekanbaru, Indonesia and i studied taxation economy at Riau University. I am a person who thrives on working as part of a team or independently. I take initiative, I am hardworking and eager to learn with core values of honesty, carefulness, and tenacity. With my knowledge and experience, I would be able to fulfill the requirement you request and become an asset to your team. I worked at Bank Negara Indonesia in Pekanbaru and also worked as a Doctor Secretary who opened his clinic in South Jakarta for 1 month and, I have experience working with one artist from Australia, Bruce Kirby as a Social Media Specialist. I used to work as a Virtual Assistant with Aaron Israel ( Israel & CO LP Germany) but before that I was his Personal assistant in Bali from 2018 until November 2021, and also a Freelance Personal Assistant with Anita Ramsak (Founder of ARSIC Social Impact Consulting Bali & Human Rights Specialist in United Nations).
What is your favorite travel memory?
The sheer adrenaline rush and giddiness I felt as I looked down at a vivid blue sea in Bali, with a sunset to boot, felt like I was hanging by threads, which I was.
That unadulterated feeling of thrill and joy, the satisfaction of doing something out of the ordinary is my travel memory and what my mind travels to, too.
How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?
I began as an admin on social media with Joma. I consistently try to make going above and beyond my bare minimum. I took on any additional responsibilities I could, such as handling the customers about diving and marine conservation via social media like email, Facebook comments, or DM facebook and emergency responder teams, for one example. I’d do this carefully to not sacrifice the quality of my work, or take on more than I could handle. I worked hard to make my comfort zone that of stepping outside of my comfort zone. Early on, I learned some hard lessons, but I took those in stride and powered on learning everything I could. I am motivated to be the best person I can be. I am not that person yet, but I am driven to become that person. I think that attitude is partly what I contribute to my success.
What is the best story you've heard from a return student?
Unfortunately, I never heard of or have experience from a returning student yet. I studied in a city called Pekanbaru that is super freaking hot and humid like 40 degrees every day and sometimes you don't know how to breathe because there are no trees left and oil on the ground. I feel like if people in my hometown have the option, they willl not go to live there and even for a student who has absence for 2 weeks, they will not gonna came back to my city and choose to live in a small village.
If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?
Project Laut. Project Laut is run by a passionate and knowledgeable team like Joma who do everything they can to make your stay as enjoyable and worthwhile as possible. This is a genuine conservation experience coupled with some amazing diving and the chance to develop new skills. The course has given people the most up-to-date methods and knowledge in the fields of marine conservation and research so people can go forward more confidently and able.
What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?
I'm not sure that unique (i.e., "being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else") is important. This company exists because someone has a vision (perhaps an overused, but nevertheless useful, word) and achievement of the vision is paramount. Becoming unique may be a critical success factor, but something else, say excellence in execution may be more important. To be unique is to DISCOVER it. Trial and error until you find it and that's how Nomads Diving Penida does.
An achievement that I’m proud of is being chosen to work on this project with Joma's team. His dedication is imperative for the growth of the company. Joma and the team's recent accomplishments, creativity, and open-mindedness contribute immensely to the team’s success.
Working on projects such as Project Laut was eye-opening because I’d never worked on such diving and marine conservation before. It taught me valuable skills in communication and collaboration that I bring to every new project I work on today.
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
I read articles from Jhon Spence's blog. He wrote what he believes are the five most important factors for building a successful company are a clear vision, a measurable plan, a culture of urgency, the best people, and superior customer service. That's the biggest factor that I believe is how to become a successful company.