Biodiverse Development Foundation
Why choose Biodiverse Development Foundation?
Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and the stimulation of socio-economic development by the exchange of knowledge, experience, culture, and language. The main point of focus is to establish a way living with the local youth, which provides them prosperity and healthy life by using the local resources in a sustainable and creative way. Further, does the Biodiverse Development Foundation participate in connecting, developing and integrating of existing initiatives within the 'Mercado de la Montaña' for example.
You can contribute to the achievement of our objectives by: carrying out projects designed in cooperation with the local community and the foundation, participate in the daily life of living with nature, learn about the principles of permaculture. No special skills or competencies are needed, everybody has their talent and can contribute. We are looking for enthusiastic, well willing people with a great passion/interest for our objectives and related activities.
Staff Interviews
These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.