
Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY)

Why choose Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi (CIWY)?

CIWY is Bolivia’s leading organisation in wildlife rights and care. For more than 20 years CIWY has cared for rescued wildlife, given disadvantaged youth a sense of purpose through involvement with animal care, and raised awareness about conservation issues.

Our largest focus continues to be aiding animals affected by the animal trade, although in more recent years we have focused more of our attention on preventing the illegal animal trade that is the culprit behind the need for our work.

As Bolivia’s leading organization in wildlife rights and care, we hope to make drastic changes in our country’s view of wild animals and make strides in ending a cruel trade that removes them from their natural homes.

We currently manage three parks - Machía (Cochabamba), Ambue Ari (Santa Cruz) and Jacj Cuisi (north of La Paz) - that operate as Wildlife Custody Centres and where we care for over 400 rescued wild animals.


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Yes, I recommend this program


This volunteer program is one of the best things I've done in my life.
Finding an ethical centre in Bolivia can be hard, as wildlife trafficking is a huge issue in Bolivia. But CIWY definitely has it all. They are not open to tourism to ensure the wellbeing of the animals. Enclosures are far, deep in the jungle, so the animals are as close to their natural habitat as possible. I visited other places where enclosures were too close together, which could stress the animals, but not at CIWY. I volunteered in Ambue Ari and Jacj Cuisi. Also participated in educational campaigns. They have a lot of returning volunteers as well, which speaks greatly about this place.
Most of the time is spent taking care of the animals, feeding, providing enrichment, and monitoring their wellbeing. The rest is spent in a perfect jungle environment. Rest days are amazing as well, as volunteers go to the nearby lagoons and do some groceries in town. The staff is amazing, from the coordinators to the administrators! Everyone there has the single mission of improving the wildlife wellbeing, showing that places do not need to be packed with tourists that stress out the animals.

What was your funniest moment?
The caffe nights!
  • Their ethicts towards wildlife
  • Huge enclosures in a natural environment
  • Amazing people
  • They are not government supporter, and I whish they were
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

I volunteered for 6 weeks at Parque Ambue Ari of CIWY. It was the most amazing experience. I was challenged daily to step out of my comfort zone, and was rewarded with friendship, wisdom and a connection to these rescued animals. In the USA I never would have had the opportunity to walk a jaguar or clean the cage of a tapir. A one-of-a-kind experience!

What would you improve about this program?
More fresh fruit and vegetables for the volunteers
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my life

This is a genuine charity that tries it's absolute best to better the lives of animals rescued from the black trade. The conditions are challenging but the rewards make it worth it. You know that what you are doing is making a difference. It's hard work - the humidity, the heat, the insects, no hot water, no electricity BUT the people and the animals make it best experience I have ever had. You make real connections with the animals and although this are frustrating - mainly because there is not enough money to do everything that we want to do for the animals, everyone's intentions and hearts are in the right place and have undoubtedly saved and improved hundreds of animals lives.

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Yes, I recommend this program


I have volunteered at parque Ambue Ari, one of three parks run by Communidad Inti Warra Yassi, twice now. The first time for two months and the second for just over three and I have loved it so much. These parks give you the opportunity to form such a special relationship with the animals you work with, a unique relationship. You would be assigned an animal and you work with them for the duration of your stay.
I have formed a very close relationship with one puma in particular, a female called Yassi. I worked with her on my first visit and then was given the opportunity to train new volunteers to work with her and her sister on my second time round. I'm quite certain they remembered me and we have a very strong friendship. It seems strange to say that you're friends with a puma but it is the truth. There is give and take in the relationship, there were days when I know she looked to me for reassurance and comfort and there were certainly days I looked to her for the same and she would always provide. I so looked

Aside from the cats, you also will make some amazing human friends too. When so many like minded people come together, from so many countries, something special is bound to happen and it really does. I will keep friends I made there for the rest of my life.
Its not an easy life to live but it is made worth while every day by the people and animals you spend your time with.

Go to the Communidad IntiWaraYassi facebook page to have a look at videos from all three parks.

What would you improve about this program?
Its hard to change anything because the whole place is run to the best of what we can on the money we have!
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Yes, I recommend this program

5 best months of my life

From pushing branches aside while walking off-trail in the jungle with an ocelot or strolling with a puma, to cleaning, feeding, enriching, and interacting with primates, every day brought something new. I utterly respect the way this sanctuary runs. They take in ex-pets and other rescues and provide as wild of a lifestyle as they can. It's incredibly hard work, but also such a memorable and rewarding experience. You only have to stay for 2 weeks to work with the capuchins, or a month to work with a cat, but I would highly recommend staying as long as you can. They are volunteers that have moved in and lived there for more than 5 years.

What would you improve about this program?
The living situation is typical for a developing country, and definitely far from luxury. There will be a cold shower or a missing shower some days. But, those are also memorable days, since you and your friends jump into the pool in the hotel next door, or take a bucket and shower outside and hope no one walks past.


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