

Why choose DUNK?

DUNK - Developing Unity, Nurturing Knowledge - was founded in 2011 to give children from deprived communities a sporting opportunity. It is a youth-led, community-based organization providing safe space for children, to play, socialize, grow, and learn. Through the combination of basketball coaching, after-school tutoring, life skills training and mentoring, and educational scholarships, our young student-athletes are encouraged to take leadership roles in their communities and to excel in and out of the classroom so to maximize their potential and become agents of change.


Yes, I recommend this program

Life Changing Experience!!!

The best 6 weeks of my life. What made this project so great is the people you meet. The other coaches and volunteers make you feel at home from day one and the all the kids you coach are wonderful. Whilst I was volunteering there was two other volunteers with me, we always something to do. You learn so much whilst volunteering with DUNK, especially if you get to know the kids you are coaching on a personal level.

DUNK is a totally worthwhile organization to volunteer with. The best parts of it is getting the opportunity to work with such friendly staff in such a beautiful country and help the kids you work with develop on the basketball court and of the court.

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Yes, I recommend this program


One of the DUNK! kids took me and my american college to his house. He lived in a very small house with his mom, grand mom and two sisters. They were all honored for having us as their guests. The boy told old that when he was young he had a dream. He dreamed that one day in his life, white people would pay him and his family a visit at their house. It was a big dream of him. When he told us, he said that he could finally fill in the heads and names of the white people he dreamed about.

What would you improve about this program?
I think the preparation. I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea of the materials they had. I could have brought a lot of stuff with me.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An experience that has impacted my life forever

Working at dunk was something I could never forget about. Coaching all of those beautiful children and watching them grow week after week is so rewarding. This was my first trip ever on my own and it turned out to be fantastic thanks to my supervisors and of course the children. They created a fun and exciting atmosphere. The coaches were so welcoming when I first arrived to the court. I remember my first day like it was yesterday! After having coached I was headed home when I completely got lost in my neighbourhood and had to call my coaches to ask them where to go! It was so embarrassing, but they were so kind, they both turned back around and came to find me and walked me home !

DUNK is an organization completely aimed at helping individuals grow, both on the court and off. I'm so grateful for having been given that chance to work in such a beautiful country ! :)

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I would change about this program is the number of volunteers. Get up and help :)


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