
Performing Life

Why choose Performing Life?

Fundación enseñARTE (Performing Life) is a nonprofit organization that helps youth who are working and/or living on the streets of Cochabamba, Bolivia. We empower these children by teaching them creative activities such as artisan crafts, and performing and visual arts as healthy alternatives for avoiding drugs and delinquency, while also improving their economic well-being.

Social Circus and Social Music.

Our primary goal is to use arts education as a means to achieve: youth reintegration into family life; social development of children and youth living and / or working on the streets of Cochabamba; protection against the dangers involved in street life, such as drugs, alcohol, abuse, and crime; and provision of tools to help youth improve their economic opportunities and those of their family.

We seek to show the community of Cochabamba society, and all Bolivian society, how to end the social exclusion of impoverished children and youth with limited and promote their reintegration


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