

Why choose StudentUniverse?

For students looking to travel the world, we offer our members special rates on flights, hotels and tours, allowing students to travel more and spend less. Our unique pricing and terms are negotiated specifically for this demographic through contracts with dozens of world-class partners and more than 75 airlines. Membership is free. We are on a mission to make global experiences possible. We believe that travel is essential to a modern education and that students return enlightened and inspired. Millions of students use our service every year.



Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a Lifetime

This experience, without a doubt, changed my entire life. My perspective was magnificently enriched, my cultural aspects aggrandized, and my lens through which I view life was wondrously altered---for the better. Before coming on this trip, I had no idea what the world could offer me. Now, I am enlightened by the plethora of opportunity that exists in the world. Not only did I have the time of my life, but I also met some extraordinary people along the way. It was absolutely incredible. These people challenged me in ways that I had never been challenged before. They encouraged me to take risks, remain open-minded, and first and foremost believe in myself. I walked away from this experience with a purpose and an interminable drive to fulfill it.


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