Why choose TESOL-direct?

Over the last 20 years we have trained thousands of teachers. We set up TESOL-direct to offer high quality, competitively-priced courses. Our certificate courses are offered by distance learning because this is the most cost-effective and flexible way to study.

All of our tutors are very experienced with at least 20 years of TESOL teaching and training experience, and at least an MA/MEd TESOL/TEFL qualification. We have the very best tutors who will provide all the support you need, and quality feedback on your assignments.

A great deal of thought has gone into the preparation of the courses and we are proud to say that the quality and professional nature of our TESOL training is confirmed with accreditation by ACCEDITAT. Independent TESOL certification is vitally important and ACCREDITAT specialises in TESOL/TEFL training. We receive many students as a result of personal recommendations from past students.



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