

Why choose Wecyclers?

Wecyclers is a recycling organization located in Lagos, Nigeria. We take an innovative approach to waste management by working from the grassroots level to encourage people to recycle their waste in return for redeemable points. We collect recyclable material once a week from households and give them points based on the number of kilograms they recycle. We then take the recyclable material back to our facilities where we add value by sorting and cleaning it before the recyclables are compressed or shredded to be sold to large-scale recycling re-processors. We aim to completely change how people think about waste in the developing world.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Great internship in dynamic environment

At this internship, I got the opportunity to do a wide variety of tasks - from making a short video in my first week, to setting up a database for potential future funding, to being part of an outreach and seeing my mentor perform exceptionally well in a super important meeting with government officials. This very important dynamism was tied into a cohesive whole by the visible passion of my colleagues and the tangible impact being made in the environment and people's lives. The responsibilities I was given gave me ample occasions to learn and grow, and all this while being supervised, supported and greatly encouraged by a wonderful mentor and spectacular colleagues.

What would you improve about this program?
I wish there were more outreach events and that I had gotten the chance to do some route mapping for our wecycle tricycles. But then again, there's only so much one can do in two and a half months.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Experience of My Life

My internship with Wecyclers was an incredible experience that allowed me to develop my professional skills while concurrently learning about a new culture. Working with a start-up in the most populous city in all of Africa really expanded my mindset of what is possible in the business world in "developing countries."

I was able to work directly with the CEO of this recycling company to help reduce poverty in poor areas of Nigeria while at the same time improve the environmental conditions of some highly-polluted areas.

Working in the field of social entrepreneurship was like working nowhere else. The passion of all my co-workers was truly awe-inspiring. They motivated me to work as hard as they did every day and to really make the world a better place. This is hands-down the best internship experience I have had in my life.

What would you improve about this program?
The only thing I wish I could change about this internship would be its duration. I wish I could have stayed at Wecyclers for longer than just 2 months. There is so much going on in the start-up world in Nigeria right now that 2 months simply isn't enough time to experience and learn everything in this field. I would want to stay longer.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Abiodun Osshinyoye

Job Title
Assistant Manager

What position do you hold at Wecyclers?

male headshot

Abiodun: Presently, I am the Assistant Manager of one of Wecyclers’ processing facilities (called a “hub”) in the Ebute-Meta neighborhood of Lagos, Nigeria

What has been your career path so far?

Abiodun: I am currently an electrical engineering student at Kwara State Polytechnic. Although my position at Wecyclers is not in line with my course of study at university, that factor has not negatively affected my job as the Assistant Manager of the Ebute-Metta Hub.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Abiodun: From my experience of working at Wecyclers, I have been able to note certain qualities that are undoubtedly unique. Wecyclers feels like a family more than a job.

It is a supportive environment in which everybody understands that what we are doing is bigger than just the individual; it’s contributing to a better environment for everyone. I am very happy to be working with Wecyclers in Lagos.

Describe a time when you felt very proud of being a part of the Wecyclers team.

Abiodun: I felt tremendously proud of being on the team the very first time I joined.

Seeing what the company was doing for the environment and being given the opportunity to come aboard was extremely delightful. Because I felt myself to be part of a group of people who were working to enact long-term sustainable change on a macro-scale by working with people at the micro-level.

What do you believe is the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Abiodun: Wecyclers is not just a recycling company, it is a recycling company for the people. Wecyclers has been able gain the love and trust of the people it works for and with.

This is the biggest factor in being a successful company and something that Wecyclers understands and consistently successfully achieves.