
Work the World

Why choose Work the World?

Work the World organizes structured healthcare work placements and internships for undergraduates as well as qualified healthcare professionals in locations around the world. Participants are given a safe, and meaningful opportunity to intern abroad in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Get involved in a medical or nursing internship anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months.

Work the World tailors placements to your needs as an individual and ensures that you feel comfortable before embarking on your journey overseas. You'll live in a private Work the World house where you'll receive full support, comfortable housing, and catered meals. If you want the security of a well-organized, well-structured placement with none of the hassle, then get in touch. We’ll happily do the hard work for you.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Alasdair Thompson

Job Title
Senior Elective Consultant

What position do you hold at Work the World?

guy smiling at mirador de los andes rock

I’m the Senior Elective Consultant, which basically means that I advise and guide our students to their ideal destinations and programs based on their clinical interests.

What is your work experience to date?

I’ve been at Work the World for about three years now, and have built up an extensive knowledge of all of our programs so far. I’ve also spent time in the majority of our destinations as well, witnessing exactly how the programs operate on the ground. Before Work the World I was gained experience in a range of different travel companies.

What you are your main responsibilities?

Day to day I mainly talk to students who get in contact with us via our website, so I share our service offering with anyone interested in our programs and help them to choose a destination that's the right fit for them.

What is the best bit about working for your organization?

It’s probably speaking to students who are at the very beginning of their Work the World journey, and having the satisfaction of knowing that once they’ve signed up to a program, the experience they gain will be life-changing and have a huge impact on their future.

How does Work the World differ to other organizations?

I would say it’s the fact that we’re a personal, passionate and dedicated company – the opposite of a large corporation which might not be able to pay as much attention to detail and quality.

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of Work the World?

As cheesy as it sounds, I’d have to say every single day. Every day I speak to students who have found our website and are interested in our program offering, and speak to them about what they can experience. Sharing what we do and hearing all the positive reactions gives me a lot of pride in my work.

What Work the World destinations have you visited, and which has been your favorite?

I’ve been very lucky to have been to The Philippines, Nepal, Peru and Sri Lanka over the last three years. I’d have to say my favorite was probably Nepal, just slightly ahead of Peru. Nepal’s just an absolutely stunning country with an awe-inspiring landscape, history and culture.

What advice do you have for someone considering a healthcare placement abroad?

As we have formal relationships with all of our hospitals, we can cater to the majority of clinical interests someone might have in most destinations. Because of this, I’d advise to make your choice based on destination. Go somewhere completely different to home which you’re unlikely to visit again. Go with a completely open mind and make it count!