What is the standard age of most students?
Posted by Alex Cain 8 years 8 months ago
What is the standard age of most students? Is it possible or common to study abroad with ISA as a high school student?
Posted by Alex Cain 8 years 8 months ago
What is the standard age of most students? Is it possible or common to study abroad with ISA as a high school student?
The standard age of most student is dependent on the actual program. Obviously for extended programs like the semester abroad, it would have students who are college age, just because they have the ability to be abroad for a semester. I can’t say what the age range was for other programs, but the ages for the South Korea semester abroad was 20 – 28. You have to be a sophomore in college in order to study abroad through ISA college, but ISA also have programs for high school students.
If you are worried about not making friends with people older or younger than you, don’t be. It really depends on your personality and willingness to not let age be a barrier to making connections with people. I know that the one person who was in her late twenties chose not to live in the dorms with the other ISA students, and her goal was to experience living in Korea, so she didn’t make much of an effort to hang with us “young college students” (ie shopping, going to tourist places, staying out late etc), which is completely fine. Again it’s about your mentality going into the program.