I want to do a journalism internship, but I don't know Italian?

Posted by Connor Parker 8 years ago

Is this possible?


Yes, you should definitely apply for Global Experiences if you are looking for a journalism internship. There were many people in my program that were seeking the same type of internship. There are plenty of english speaking magazines in Florence directed at multiple things especially tourism.

Global Experiences will place you in an internship with english-speaking employees in Florence. The city is filled with tourists and students from all over the world that speak english. It is very easy to communicate with people and get by without knowing italian.

Global Experiences places interns with English speaking employers. The first 3-4 weeks you actually take an Italian language course at a school called Linguaviva. The class goes over basic Italian. You can get by Florence and your internship speaking only English but it wouldn't hurt to know the basics.

Florence is a city where Italian isn't required but it's good to know the language in order to create relationships with the local Italians in addition to the abundance of people you will meet around the world. It's beneficial to know Italian but it's not completely necessary in Florence but you'll have an advantage both personally and professionally if you do indeed know the language.

Hi Connor! Along with the great answers additionally provided by our GE alumni, we can confirm that we have English friendly journalism opportunities in Florence. When I did the Florence internship abroad, one of the girls in my program interned at an English speaking newspaper company. Hope that this helps!

- Lydia T. | Student Experience & Marketing Coordinator