Global Glimpse

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Life in a Movie!

When I first applied for Global Glimpse, I’d had the assumption that it would be an organization with ill-intentions and little credibility, but I soon came to realize that the I was being prepared for potentially the greatest adventure I will ever experience! From the start, Global Glimpse provided consistent communication with Glimpsers to inform us about our trips and the expectations in place, but truly nothing could have adequately described everything that I would learn on my trip.

Upon arriving in country, my first observation was the incredible strength of the Dominican heat and humidity, enough so to the point where I began worrying about my stability. When we reached our accommodations, I was somewhat taken aback by the canopies hanging over our beds and the fact that we were essentially living in houses near each other. As the program continued on, I gained such a fondness for my house and the slight constant warmth that filled me, that is, once I’d gotten used to the heat more. As the necessity of the many fans and canopies became increasingly more apparent, I found myself developing a new fearlessness towards pests such as cockroaches, moths, and spiders, all while my legs rarely ever felt the effects of the mosquito bites that speckled my skin. Additionally, our accommodation had a pool that we would typically be able to swim in or dangle our feet in during any available free time we had throughout the day, making the heat and our itchiness much more manageable.

As for the program itself, each day was organized with a theme (culture, history, immigration, etc.) that we would learn about either the night before or the morning of. Throughout that day, we would visit places and listen to local speakers explain various aspects of their lives. For example, on one of the days, we learned about the life of a coffee plantation worker by working in the plantations and weeding the coffee plants before visiting the coffee factory and learning about the coffee making process from a worker there. Each day was formatted similarly to this in the first week or so with activities scattered throughout the morning and afternoon, and in the evenings, we would have time to relax or walk to downtown to get ice cream and shop. We also had a few days that were designated for our free day and our beach day, the former being open to anything nearby that we wanted, and the latter being a two-day getaway to the Dominican coast for a change of scenery and the pleasures of being at a tropical beach. Finally, our last few days were centered around our Community Action Project (CAP), where my delegation was able to visit a community and build a water system for some of the houses that connected to a central well. This project required everyone in the group to put in the physical effort to make a difference in the life of the locals as we dug pathways and laid down pipes under the dirt behind the houses. Aside from the focuses of each day, we consistently always ate every meal together and often had a fair amount of free time to be able to bond with each other through talking, card games, singing, or simply watching others pass by on the street outside (as plain as it sounds, this last one became quite popular in the second week of the trip). We also had a set schedule including a wake-up time and a bedtime, yet these times were never too strongly enforced as long as we weren’t being too loud and we were still safely inside of our houses. Because of this freedom, a lot of my bonding with the others came late at night after each nightly meeting, since a few of us would gather in my living room and share stories about ourselves to get to know each other better.

As for what I learned during the trip, most obviously I gained information related to the topics of each day, such as the history behind the Dominican Republic and its separation from Haiti, or the sense of family built within self-sustained communities. I also quite literally had a taste of the types of foods that are popular in the DR, such as plantains or the super fresh fruits. However, the thing I expected the least was to learn so much from my own teenaged peers. Through our casual conversations and downtime topics, my understanding of their lives grew rapidly as I started realizing just how differently we were each living from each other; people that I’ve attended high school with for years already were mentioning important events in their lives that had never even begun to pass through mine. Primarily, my peers grew comfortable around each other to discuss the disadvantages they faced due to their race or their financial status, which I have never seen before within my own home community. These conversations led all of us to connect on such a deep level and be able to properly set expectations and boundaries for each other that otherwise may have been voided. Of course, the extent to what I learned could reach as far out as new card games, like Thirteen and Desmoche, or even the trivial topic of which family members would regularly comment on our trip blogs. Yet throughout the entire trip, the growth I will carry the most with me will be my new sense of a global perspective and a true understanding of what it means to be less fortunate than others, whether that be due to race, nationality, financial security, socializing ability, or pure interests.

My experience in the Dominican Republic through Global Glimpse is something that I can’t imagine I will ever entirely forget about, and the memories I shared with my fellow JA2A friends will never be tarnished as long as they are held within the bubble that Global Glimpse created for us. Since my mother went on a similar type of trip in her youth that she used to tell me about, I hope that someday I too will be able to pass these stories down to future generations to continuously inspire youth to make a change in a new location. Until then, I encourage anyone with the opportunity to pursue this program to do so and to follow the illusion that I traced to create this movie-like experience of a lifetime.

  • Getting to grow and connect with other high schoolers with similar interests
  • Being separated from our phones to further enhance our immersion into the experience
  • Being able to practice Spanish firsthand in a country of majority Spanish speakers
  • A lot of bugs and mosquitoes inside many of the building; bug repellent is an absolute necessity, potentially even multiple bottles
  • My group in particular had a lot of issues with traveling to and from the DR, and we spent significantly longer in airports than we were supposed to
  • A lot of people had issues with their digestive systems due to our new diet
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a lifetime

This experience is really made for the ones that love to help and love to share that help with others. With traveling to another country and helping a community but also being part of a community. An aspect of this experience I loved was not having a phone it was not terrible with no phone this help be more present in the group and helped me grow more Into a leader. It as well made me be more vocal with the group and making friends that will last a life time I appreciate this experience and would never trade for the world.

  • Not having phone
  • People
  • Helping out
  • Safety
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ecuador Trip Review

Traveling with Global Glimpse to Ecuador was a really meaningful experience that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. It helped me to expand my knowledge of other cultures through first hand experience of the culture itself, like when we went to Palacio Real and Inti Raymi to learn about the lifestyle of Andean people in Ecuador. I was also able to learn more about myself and connect in a meaningful way with the other students on my trip in a way that I can’t imagine would happen at home. After my trip, I felt more confident in my leadership abilities because of the Leader of the Day part of our trip, and I felt more confident in myself overall for being able to push myself out of my comfort zone in such a big way.

  • Great food
  • Expanding leadership skills
  • Fun
  • Some walking
  • Got homesick
  • Got hungry sometimes with no snacks
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventure of a Lifetime

I recently had the incredible opportunity to embark on a life-changing adventure with Global Glimpse to the Dominican Republic, the heart of the Caribbean . This immersive trip turned out to be a remarkable fusion of cultural exploration, community engagement, personal growth, and unforgettable memories. From the moment we landed in Santo Domingo, the vibrant energy of the Our dedicated group leaders seamlessly facilitated our immersion into the community, ensuring that we embraced every facet of this beautiful country. The heart of the trip was undoubtedly the community action projects we participated in. Working alongside local residents, we collaborated on projects that left a tangible impact on the lives of the people we encountered. Other trips had different projects then ours but ours was to construct a park, by the request of the people
But the journey was more than just labor; it was an emotional trip that changed our perspectives of our daily lives. We learned about the challenges they face politically and economically. On top of that, the cultural immersion component was equally enriching. Through dance workshops where we learned bachata, meringue and salsa, to language exchanges with locals, and daily Dominican meals. The highlight was connecting with local families who generously welcomed us into their homes and communities, offering insights into their daily routines.
Global Glimpse also ensured that we explored the stunning natural beauty of the Dominican Republic. From the lush waterfalls and beaches to the quiet inland nature and sounds of the yaque river we explored the Dominican republic coast to coast. Not only were we focused on the enticing sights of nature, we were able to go into town and interact with locals in shops, bakeries and supermarkets.
This trip was able to build lifelong friendships with people I would not normally be around and helped me grow as a person.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Save space for Souvenirs
  • Sightseeing
  • Cultural interaction
  • friendship building
  • Mosquitos
  • Humid and hot
  • unpredictable weather
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Yes, I recommend this program

A experience true to be shared

I am a student's going to be a senior this year in my high school. One of my teachers recommended me to join the global glimpse program and at first I was a little bit hesitant cuz I didn't know what it was about it wasn't until I did more research that I grown more interest into it. After attending all the meetings and everything I need to know about my trip I headed to Dominican Republic I headed to that country because I had no knowledge about anything within the country. After meeting so many people and some of them that I still talk to to this day I've learned to grow out of my shell and learn how to expand myself as a person. I would recommend this trip to anybody. Regarding the safety everybody who is in charge prioritize safety the most which is pretty nice to know that the people are doing their jobs. The country that I was in and specific is pretty safe there's nothing bad that could happen. Overall when it came to where we were living it was more or less but it still was for walls and a roof so as long as all of those were fine I think the living arrangement was up to code. if you're a parent reading this I recommend that you should let your child to go on this trip because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

  • The people
  • Experience living on ya own
  • Learning how money is sacred in some countries
  • Some places you might be staying may not be good
  • Diarrhea will Happen to you atleast once
  • Some places don't have good sanitation
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Yes, I recommend this program

Most Valuable High School Experience

I’m really happy I decided to apply for this program. I was very nervous at first since I didn’t know anyone going in my group (aside from a GG leader) but I was delightfully surprised when we all hit it off so quickly at the airport. The staff were all extremely friendly and at no point throughout the trip did I feel unsafe. Everyday was filled with fun and full filing expenses. I got to meet many people and learn things you just can’t learn in a school setting. I really enjoyed the trip and I hope more people find out about this program.

  • Excellent staff
  • Various learning opportunities
  • Safety
  • Long days
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Yes, I recommend this program

Once in A Lifetime Experience

Global Glimpse was truly a unique and enlightening experience. You really were able to learn more about the culture of a different country without being a tourist. The Costa Rica trip also included a focus on the environment and from this experience, I've learned way more about environmental conservation, the threats to global wildlife and ecosystems, and how to help the environment. This experience has also helped me make a bunch of new friends. Everyone in my group bonded easily and we're still constantly talking and enjoying each other's presence and impact in our lives. Everyone came with their own background that helped contribute and reinforce the eye-opening experience Global Glimpse already is. All of the staff, from the catering to the Program Coordinators to the Global Glimpse Leaders were all so welcoming and supportive. They were all willing to help you with any of your needs and also brought their global experiences which were so insightful and inspiring. One of my favorite moments on the trip was Community Day, a day where you live with a local family and experience what their day-to-day life was like. It was an amazing experience. We got to make empanadas and it was the first time I had tried them or made them and it reminded me of making pizza with my family and the familiarity was really comforting. Even though I was in an entirely different country, I could still feel at home and that's really what makes Global Glimpse so special. They make a different country not feel so foreign, but enable you to really experience the community and culture in a way that makes you feel so comfortable being in a different place. I definitely do not regret going on this trip and I hope it continues to be an amazing experience for everyone else who goes.

  • Super educational
  • Leaders and Program Coordinators were supportive and willing to help you with anything
  • Lots of leadership opportunities
  • Only three phone calls home for two weeks
  • Lots of bugs
  • Early wake up
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Yes, I recommend this program

Don't Think Twice

This year (2023), I have been trying to gain more experiences before I go off to college next fall. I saw an email from Global Glimpse one day and I read it, being a bit skeptical. But I decided to jump into it and let myself take the risk and the opportunity. I felt a bit nervous about a few things on the trip, like not knowing Spanish in a Spanish speaking country, being out of the country without family, not having my phone to text my friends, worrying about making friends, pushing myself to try new things, and more. But I realized that the trip was only for two weeks and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. To be very honest, the whole experience just felt like summer camp, I didn't even feel like I was in another country. Every day was a new activity so everything was so exciting. All of the leaders and students were picked perfectly, our group had a great dynamic, so everyone was included and we all became great friends. One bad thing, though, was the altitude difference made a lot of us a little sick, so some of us missed out on a few activities. I am not sure how to exactly put this whole experience into this review, it was all so gorgeous and fun. This is something you remember for the rest of your life, something you add to your resume and tell your kids and grandkids. Global Glimpse was such an eye opener and gave me so much confidence in myself and hope for future travels. If you are how I was and you're not sure if this is a good idea, don't even think twice about it. Get started on that application and talk your parents into it!!

  • an opportunity to explore myself and my personality
  • an immersive experience in a new culture
  • new friends!
  • rocky beginning with communication and some conflict
  • being sick and missing out
  • occasionally some rules that were a bit overly strict
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience

I personally found that a grew a lot on my trip. I no longer am constantly on my phone or cooped up inside for hours and instead find myself outdoors much more often as well as willing to spend time with others. This trip helped me over come a lot of my fears and step out of my comfort zone a lot too. Beforehand I was an incredibly quiet person who kept to myself in every group gathering I was in, throughout my trip I noticed I was more willing to make conversation and learn more about everyone else who was there without it seeming like a chore. I really became appreciative of everything I have at home when I was able to see how some people can live such simple lives but live them with so much fulfillment. seeing the comparison of my living situation and some peoples there made me want to help people in more ways then just donations but real volunteer work that you know impacts people. this is also a great way to meet new people. personally my roommates and I got really close over the trip and still talk pretty often, this is definitely a great way to meet some people you would never have before that you may really want to get to know. overall its a wonderful trip and I really would recommend it to anyone who is offered.

  • meet new people
  • personally growth
  • new perspective of life
  • stomach issues due to travel
  • slight travel stress
  • homesick
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Yes, I recommend this program

Makes You Want To Travel The World

This was my first time leaving my country and I couldn't have asked for a better "first time". Our Global Glimpse coordinators did an amazing job fostering a safe space for all of us to become close and made it easier for us to seize any leadership opportunities that came up.

Having the opportunity to explore Jarabacoa, Republica Dominicana was so much fun and made me want to travel abroad more often. The atmosphere was always so lively too. The food, the language, the culture, the history and the people will forever leave a lasting impression on me and I thank Global Glimpse for giving high schoolers like me the opportunity to even do this in the first place.

  • Great way to make new friends
  • Cultural immersion
  • Learn about issues in the Dominican Republic from people who've experienced them firsthand
  • Mosquitoes
  • Humid weather