EARTH University

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Pura Vida 02

My experience here was amazing and I am so glad I made the decision to come to CR. I will definitely return to CR perhaps even to live. I am not more nature friendly and aware of the issues planet Earth is facing. I learned about treating was water and how to recycle and how to calculate carbon dioxide emissions. My favorite trip was going to Isla de las Tortugas because it was the very first time I went snorkeling and in fact that first time I went inside the ocean. Thanks to this program my vision for the future has been found. As a manufacturing engineering student I would like manufacture any products in the most sustainable method possible.

What would you improve about this program?
The program was great but maybe a destinations that could be visited on our down time would be great.
Response from EARTH University

Hi Marlene!

We are more glad or as equal as you for choosing Costa Rica and EARTH University as your study abroad program.

We encourage you to come back, be an entrepreneur, set up a company and help us improve what we are doing, your knowledge is very valuable.

Thank you very much for choosing Costa Rica and we really hope you come back. You have our contacts, feel free to write us any time, our doors are always open!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Tackling Environmental Issue

This course has provided me with a very unique international experience in Costa Rica that many other programs may lack. There are not many locations similar to Earth University. The educational system with its emphasis on creating solutions to global problems is in a league all of its own. The course material went very in depth, and as a student, I was able to gain some professional knowledge which I will likely be able to use in a future career.

Response from EARTH University

Hi Lida,

Thank you very much for your feedback and review, we are really happy that this program help you enable your professional knowledge to use it in your future career.

We also encourage you to keep doing study abroad programs, this will make you a global citizen capable of solving global issues with your major!

We wish you the best endeavours!

Thank you for coming!

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Yes, I recommend this program

pura vida summer 2018

Translation: I liked the experience of coming to Costa Rica, the people were very nice. I would like to come again in the future. I like the programs they offer. Something that I liked was when we visited the house of a senor (roots farm) because the food the walk and the history of the senor was something very beautiful that I will never forget. As a Mexican and a Latina, I am glad that I came to this country and in the future I will visit more Latin American countries and return to Costa Rica.

me gusto la experience de venir a costa rica, la gente fue muy agradable. me gustario venir otra vez en el futuro. me gusta los programas que ofrecen. algo que me gusto fue cuando visitamos la casa de un senor (raices farm) porque la comida la caminata y la historia de el senor fue algo muy bonita que nunca voy a olvidar. Como mexicana y latina que soy me da gusto que vine a este pais y en el futuro voy a visitar mas paises Latinoamericanos y regresar a costa rica. pura vida

What would you improve about this program?
El programa puede mejorar en ir a mas lugares de costa rica para tener mas experiencia.
Response from EARTH University

We really appreciate that you enjoyed visiting Raices Farm! as Latinos that we are we really appreciate that you took the time to get to know your fellow latinos.

We encourage you to travel more to other sites in Latin America and South America as well, doesn't matter were we go, the latin american flavour will still be there!

We really hope to have you back in Costa Rica at any time soon!

Safe Travels!

Yes, I recommend this program

Tackling Environmental Issues

I really enjoyed learning and applying the concepts we used in a classroom setting to a real life example while going on field trips to understand the impacts from our course. I found the concepts covered important and informative; making sure to address different contextual factors while attempting to understand and create sustainable solutions. This program was a good balance of fun and engagement in the subject matter, especially given that not everyone in the program was in the field of environmental sciences.

What would you improve about this program?
I think creating more balance between indoor and outdoor activities on a day to day basis would improve it. It seemed that most of the field trips occurred in the span of a week, but the analysis happened the following week, which, by the time, some of the information was forgotten.
Response from EARTH University

Thank you for coming to EARTH University. As you say, our educational model is based on learning while doing and we are really glad that you found a balance in the program contents.

We also appreciate your feedback, we will improve our program contents in order to make it more balance and distribute 50/50 the field trips and the analysis,

thank you very much for coming to EARTH University, we hope we can have you back!

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Yes, I recommend this program

intensive training in responsibility for individual waste management

i have too many favorite memories that are truly ineffable. our professors are not only highly educated, but also beautiful people. the field trips are mind blowing, enough for anyone to appreciate our majestic planet.
if i must pick one full circle experince
snorkeling in Tortuga:
i was able to feed gorgeous fish from my hands, i cried from on the way home that night from all the beauty and joy i experienced. however, understanding the fact that all of my amazing fish friends will be dead the next week due to red tide is the most heart wrenching thing i can think of. The beach of Tortuga was the most beautiful i have ever seen, though the sands are covered in bleached, dead coral from the reefs... the juxtaposition was hard to comprehend. i am so grateful i have experienced the biodiversity that my children will never see...
i surely hope we can turn climate change around, it is breaking my heart and will kill us all.

What would you improve about this program?
more hands on learning activities, possibly hold students more accountable for there own waste production during there stay. make them use less A/C, gasoline, sort there garbage, use less power and turn there fans off when not using the dorms. an intensive training program such as this, will hopefully allow them to be more responsible once they return home. not only learning to appreciate the earth and environment but training them to better care for it for the rest of there lives (the short term students are amazed by beauty, however there habits are not necessarily reflecting their new feelings...)
Response from EARTH University

Hi Megan!

We trully enjoyed reading your review and feedback. It is amazing how much you can learn when we travel abroad, it opens our mind to see a new perspective on things that we might already now. For us Turtle Island is also one of the best places to visit in Costa Rica and we are glad that you had the chance to visit the place.

We trully support your toughts in regards of the efforts in conservation and holding students accountable for the recycling process. We will encourage our future students more in order hold them accountable for the values that we preach at EARTH University.

Thank you for coming to EARTH and we hope to have you back !

Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Engaging Rural Communities

My experience at EARTH was exiting. We were able to interact with people from all around the world, see different points of view and have lots of activities during our stay. The course we took were very complete and the material was well delivered by great professors, accompanied with field trips where we were able to apply and see what we learned in class. My experience in the dorms was good, comfortable bed, wide closet for all our stuff and a desk where we could do our reports and study. Even thought time was not our friend and didnt got a chance to see other thing inside the university I wanted to see, I had a nice time and if I had the opportunity for visiting again I would do it without thinking it.

Response from EARTH University

Hi Fernando,

We are really happy that you had a great time learning and studying here at EARTH University. We do understand that, given the short time here you did not had the chance to see other things in our campus, but you are always welcome here, so please come back at any time we will be more than happy to receive you again!

Safe Travels!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Engaging Rural Communities Evaluation

This program involved the engagement of rural communities in modern society by acquiring knowledge, tools and methodologies about sustainable development. Through the concepts learned in class, the works done in groups, videos and especially the field trips I was able to get a much better understanding of what sustainability is and what it involves if we wish to be the agents of change into developing a more sustainable society. Because of this course I will be better equipped for my future en devours both in my educational as well as personal development. Thanks to EARTH University I will leave Costa Rica with a whole new perspective on agriculture, helping me develop new ideas into what I want to do in the future in the field of international agriculture. It has definitely inspired me into keep looking for more educational programs like this one on sustainable agriculture and development in order to redefine the paradigms of modern agriculture and help develop a more sustainable, unified and complete society.

What would you improve about this program?
Make the course longer! The students as well as faculty will take more advantage of the time and can possibly enrich the course experience even more!
Response from EARTH University

Dear Silva,

Thank you very much for your honest feedback, we hope you can implement everything that you learned while at EARTH in the field of international agriculture. In addition, we will try to make the course longer, or even better, you can join next year in two consecutive courses :)

We really appreciate your feedback,

Take care!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Engaging Rural Communities: A Fantastic 2 Week Course at EARTH University

The past 2 weeks have legitimately flown by. I have spent time learning rigorously in a classroom, days out visiting Costa Rican farmers/entrepreneurs and even a day just swimming in the Caribbean Sea! In classes we learned an incredible amount in a short amount of time, through formal lectures but also plenty of discussion, critical questioning and videos. We went on several different field visits, each of which was very different but focused specifically on providing real world context to the material we had just studied in class. If you are a hands-on, experiential learner like myself, you will love a summer course at EARTH.

What would you improve about this program?
Even more field visits, especially to sites on the very large campus would be great!
Response from EARTH University

Hi Eli!

It is amazing how time flies! We really appreciate that you understood the whole purpose of your course, hands-on/experiential learning.

We will for sure follow your feedback into the implementation of more field visits!

We hope to have you here next year!

Take care,

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Yes, I recommend this program

Engaging Rural Communities in Costa Rica

The Engaging Rural Communities class held by EARTH University in Costa Rica was one of my favorite class I attended while abroad. We had a chance to interact with students from around the world who were at the university studying agriculture, local indigenous communities, rural communities in the area, and the organizations that were trying to help these communities develop further. Not only were these trips informational, they were fun! I had the change to learn about other cultures, try foods I have never had before (like chocolate made in a traditional way by the Bribri), make friends from around the world, and even spend some time at the beach. I would recommend this class to anyone who is interested in learning about social change and/or wants to learn about other cultures in such a short time (because the students are from 46 different countries).

Response from EARTH University

Hi Angela!

We really appreciate that you had the chance to involve with our regular students that are from around the world and specially our indigenous communities, the whole purpose of this is to have hand-on knowledge while having fun!

We hope we can see you again at EARTH in the near future!

Take care,

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Yes, I recommend this program

engaging rural communities at EARTH University

Very unique experience to learn about rural communities in a fun place with great people! I learned a lot in the class, however being at EARTH University was an educational experience its self. The extreme amount of diversity on campus allows you to learn so much from people of different cultures and world views.

What would you improve about this program?
Better description of clothes needed for the trip. (Work boots and work pants needed!). Send out the course description and itinerary more than a week before class starts (preferably 4-5 weeks in advance).
Response from EARTH University

Hi Steven!

We are really happy that you had a unique experience here at EARTH and that you learn a lot while you where here!

In addition, we will take note about your feedback and implement your suggestions, ad the end, this is what make us to be better in our programs!

We hope to see you again very soon!

Take care,