During our time there we developed treatment plans and educated caregivers and parents about disease progression, future health concerns, and safe caregiving practices.
Due to the limited availability and high cost of healthcare services, our treatment was often the only care these kids would receive for a long time. Knowing this, we adapted to limited resources and devised treatment methods that families could continue at home without supplies.
It is difficult to grasp the impact of a single visit, but for these children, it alleved pain and gaining the knowledge to maintain their mobility and participation in life. For parents, it meant seeing their children run outside and play with their siblings again, while for others it helped improve communication with their non-verbal children.
It's easy to overlook what we take for granted, such as easy communication, good health, and access to care. Therapy Adventure allowed us to make a significant difference in the lives of these children and their families, who would otherwise face increasing health complications with little support.