Safe Passage/Camino Seguro

Program Reviews

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An incredible experience

Volunteering here was an incredible experience.

I spent about a year and a half volunteering at Safe Passage (Camino Seguro, as it's called in Spanish) in 2018 and 2019. I worked principally as a mathematics tutor and teacher in the adult education programme, which is set up for the adults in the local community who have returned to school to complete their secondary education. Additionally, a couple of mornings per week I helped out in one of the primary school (colegio) classes.

The work was challenging yet engaging. The teaching I did was mainly in small groups -- often one-to-one, sometimes one-to-two or one-to-three -- and once per week I taught a larger class. Volunteers can choose from a range of activities; those who decide to teach are typically given a fair amount of autonomy in selecting what to teach and how to structure their tutorials. Of course, this was a real responsibility, but I found allowed me to tailor the sessions to each student's level and style of learning.

Working with people from the local community made a lasting impact on my worldview. These people live in difficult situations, socially and economically. The school is situated in the community surrounding the Basurero ('Garbage Dump'), which is one of the poorest parts of Guatemala City. Nevertheless, the people I worked with were warm-spirited, welcoming and kind, and I greatly enjoyed the working relationship that we formed. From them I learnt a lot about the tough reality of their situation, but also took encouragement in their desire to complete their education and work through the difficult circumstances facing them. To be part of a project that helps people break the cycle of poverty was a rewarding experience.

Also, the volunteership was a great chance to improve my Spanish. Volunteers spend the working day interacting entirely in Spanish -- be that with the adult learners, the teenagers in the Oportunadides programme, the children in the colegio, or the members of staff. My Spanish benefited enormously; this is a super choice for anyone looking to hone their Spanish chops. (Though I would recommend that you have a good grasp of the basics before beginning.)

Volunteering here was one of the most formative and educative chapters in my life. To those looking to volunteer in Central America, to explore a country like Guatemala beyond the touristic sites, to be part of a programme that makes a real difference to a local community, Safe Passage is an organisation I can absolutely recommend.

  • Chance to help a local community
  • Well-structured, effective organisation
  • Opportunity to improve Spanish
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Diego Andres
Yes, I recommend this program

English Teacher at Safe Passage

I believe that what sets this program apart is not only the chance to teach English but also to impart meaningful knowledge. Typically, volunteer teaching opportunities come with restrictions on what can be taught within the designated volunteer time. However, Safe Passage grants you the freedom to create your own curriculum based on the progress and English proficiency level of the students. This allows me to have a real-life opportunity to see the impact of my teachings in action. Also, this freedom allowed me to learn how to prepare better a real life, and how to deal with the day to day challenges of teaching.

  • Human Contact
  • Meaningful Impact
  • Improvement of Problem Solving Skills
  • Demanding
  • It involves challenges that are really difficult to be prepare
Response from Safe Passage/Camino Seguro

Diego it was so lovely having you here, thank you so much for your time and meaningful impact. We hope we'll see you back here again one day. Abrazos!

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Volunteering at Safe Passage set the foundation for my career

I volunteered at Safe Passage for two years (2010-2012). The students and families served by the organization are truly inspiring and getting to know them through work at Safe Passage was a true gift. The organization is making a difference in the lives of those it serves--the students I knew when I volunteered now have jobs and families of their own. The other volunteers and staff I worked with became lifelong friends and colleagues who I am still close with today personally and professionally. The skills I learned as a volunteer laid the foundation for my career in international development and program management and have been invaluable. I actually now serve on the board of directors of Safe Passage.

  • Structured
  • Professional
  • Rewarding
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Safe Passage Review

Safe Passage is a special place to my heart. Being able to work with the very resilient students surrounding the Guatemala City dump and their families, is something unmatched and truly an honor. I had the pleasure of being a math and language tutor for 9 months at the program. The program taught me more than I was every able to teach the kids. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to visiting the program in the future. There are many incredible supporters of the program that allow it to grow into such a success starting with Henley Denning's dream.

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A rewarding and life-changing experience with a supportive, friendly team!

I volunteered as part of Safe Passages Health Team. I felt fully integrated into the team of both long-term volunteers as well as Guatemalan staff. My days were busy working alongside teachers and staff members, lesson planning, and supporting students in the classroom. The staff went out of their way to make sure I had a positive experience, and to welcome me into the community. Safe Passage does a wonderful job integrating into the local community in a positive and sustainable way, and they make sure to impart this ethos on their volunteers.
I made incredible friends, improved my Spanish, and learned so much about Guatemala. On the weekends, it felt easy, safe, and inexpensive to explore the surrounding area. Safe Passage is an incredible organization with a strong mission and passionate, creative, welcoming people. I can't recommend this place enough!

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Touching and Memorable Experience

Having worked with both the very youngest children and the very oldest children at the project, I feel I have been given a great insight in their lives and been introduced to their daily struggles in very different ways. Working with children was very new for me, and I didn't expect myself to enjoy working with the very small ones, but you immediately connect so deeply with these children, and after less than one week, I knew that I would never be ready to leave them again.
Being a part of this project is such a special way of traveling, because not only do you feel of use and help make a positive difference in struggling children's lives - you also have your own little community that is always there for you, and among the other volunteers you create friendships shared over and experience that no one else can ever really understand.
I know that once I leave, I will always look warmly back on my time here, and I'm sure, I'll come visit more than once in the future.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Volunteer project full with truely kind people.

I volunteered with safe passage in January 2019 for 5 weeks. Although I only did the minimum amount of time but I could have easily stay longer, there has also been many times since leaving I have concidered returning and defiantly plan to some time in the future. Working with children was some completely new for me and the first day was certainly a realisation but every step was supported by the great staff and other volunteers. I am so great full for the oportunity safe passage has given me. It wasn’t just about the volunteering, safe passage has created a little community with great people who are trying to do their bit to help the world. Every morning when I would walk into the class room and the little 5 year olds with be so joyful and it would remind me why I started this journey. I have also made international friends who I still keep in contact with, I also made a friendship with the local teacher who gives me regular updates on how the little bundles of joy are progressing.

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An unforgettable experience

I cannot say enough good things about Safe Passage and the volunteer program. The support that the volunteer team provides ensured I felt prepared and safe as I traveled down to Guatemala. When I arrived at the project I immediately felt like part of the community. I have been working as an english tutor with the high school aged students, and having the opportunity to interact with the students and form meaningful connections with them is unlike any other volunteer experience I've had.
Everyday at the project is different and brings new challenges and opportunities. Working as a part of the international volunteer group has given me the chance to meet and work with people from all over the world. I have greatly enjoyed my experience here and I know that I will be returning in the future to work with this incredible program.

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Come make a difference- Safe Passage works with the whole person, the whole family and the whole community

I'm heading into the last week of my 5 weeks with Camino Segura (Safe Passage). I've had a chance to observe how the project works with children and adults through education, health, physical and emotional, nutrition, and how well it is structured to make a difference in the lives of young students living near the city dump. Kids feel secure here, they get an education and so much more, a safe place to learn and grow. Parents are invited in to be part of this opportunity and they know the value of the education their kids are getting.
I love that Camino Segura also provides support through education for teens, ESL, and work projects for young moms, parenting programs, and literacy skills for older adults.
In a country that does not always prioritize education, Camino Segura is a beacon of hope. As Nelson Mandela has said, " No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Education is the great engine of personal development."

International volunteers add an element of intrigue and exposure that regular classrooms don't always have. Come make a difference by sharing your time and talents and be prepared to be transformed by the experience!

Just a word of warning for mature adults who like the relaxed, retired life, the days are long, starting and ending with a 1.5 hour school bus ride to Guatemala city, so be prepared. It makes for a long day. If you do stay with a family, you do come home to a meal prepared for you. Kind of makes up for time on the bus.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The first day overlooking the dump- overwhelmed by the sites, the smells, the stories of devastation - that was challenging.
The very next day, meeting students and seeing so many smiles, along with dedicated staff, made it all worthwhile.
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Yes, I recommend this program

More Than Just a Workplace

I came to Safe Passage a few months after graduating high school for a year of learning Spanish, meeting new friends, and hopefully leaving an impact on a community. However, I quickly saw that Safe Passage is more than just a workplace. Camino Seguro is a community filled with amazing students and teachers. Everyday the students and staff/volunteers arrive at school with smiles, ready to take on the day. These positive attitudes makes SP an awesome and fun place to work. Not only are you teaching kids, but you're learning from some of the most resilient kids and families during your time at Sage Passage. Additionally, the volunteer staff at the project is incredible. They worked with me to make sure I was both prepared before I left and comfortable once I had arrived. I would definitely recommend Safe Passage to anyone looking for fantastic place to work and volunteer!!