Your Experience is What YOU Make of It!

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

If you are a proactive, positive, and determined person, you will have an amazing experience with EPIK! I truly believe that YOU are what makes your experience in Korea exceptional. That's not to say that this type of position is for everyone-- to teach in Korea, you should definitely love kids, be confident in your understanding of English grammar, and be a highly adaptable personality-- but if you are positive and ready for the challenges to come, this is a great program for you. EPIK is about immersing yourself in Korean culture, from the food to the social life to the climate to the customs. It is about transitioning into a new and different way of life, and being able to adapt to that personally while also maintaining the strong work ethic, positive attitude, and self-motivation to do your job well and teach your students with integrity. While the experience is not without its ups and downs, it is a great way to (brace yourself, cliché ahead) "get outside your comfort zone." As tough as some days have been, I have never once regretted my decision to move to Korea and join the EPIK program!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would