Tefl Heaven - TESOL certification program

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 3
Job Assistance: 3

TEFL Heaven I found was extremely helpful and would respond to any questions or concerns I had very quickly. They would respond to e-mails within 24-48 hours with open arms and full explanations of any questions that I asked of them, as well as asking me post-course how well I enjoyed the course and if there was anything else they could do for me. The program itself was beneficial as it gave hands-on experience with teaching as well as the opportunity to watch experienced teachers give lessons. The in-class component and "homework" (essays and journal writing) were rather easy and straight forward which makes it easy for anyone who may be interested to come and do it. Personally I would recommend doing this course and using TEFL Heaven as they were very helpful and laid out the steps for applying, paying, and whatever else I needed to do.
The course was unique as it gave me a chance to meet new people from around the world while becoming certified to teach the youth of Vietnam. I came along with a friend from home however I believe if you were to come alone then you would have no issues at all as our whole class was very friendly and spent a lot of time together inside and outside of class. I am very happy to have taken this course and it impacted me positively in the long-run.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed