You Know You Studied Abroad in Melbourne When...

Academics: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

You Know You Studied Abroad in Melbourne When..

1. If you're from the U.S., you may have found your right hand sneaking to your heart, while singing the Australian national anthem at any given event. You tried to stop it, but it was too late. Everybody knows your secret.. You're American.
2. You’ve learned that the same rules for passing cars, apply to passing people: on the left. Otherwise you’ll do that awkward little apologetic shuffle dance with every person you cross paths with.
3. You acknowledge and respect that Melbourne weathermen and women have the hardest job in the world. They can only predict the psycho weather to some degree. Literally.
4. You've realized they don't make it easy to gracefully acquire a kid's meal when on a weekend travel budget. Example: my last food money-saving endeavor came in a cardboard box shaped like a barn.
5. You have to wonder who sat down one day and wrote the rules for footy.. “And they shall switch sides every quarter, wear short shorts and no protective gear, and they’ll have to, dribble the football-shaped ball every fifteen meters. Perfect.”
But of course you love the sport just as much as everyone else.
6. You’ve gotten used to eating gravy on just about everything and would like to request that you be buried in a gravy-filled grave when that day comes… a grave-y.
7. You're all too familiar with that musical chairs- like frenzy on the bus, when everyone boarding knows it's about to start moving. They're forced to either brace for impact, or launch themselves towards the nearest chair, and be forced to sit in it faster than a person should ever try to sit, when the bus makes it's jump to light speed.
8. You know what it's like to get carpal tunnel in your toes from walking on the beach for too long.
9. The only constant in your exercise routine is running to catch the tram.
10. If you went to Deakin, and lived in MC more specifically, you may have said the following to yourself several times: "It's quiet. Too quiet." *Fire alarm goes off* "Ah, I thought so."
11. You've realized Aus is like a geographically reverse California, with the best beaches up north, the more liberal people further south, less people and less politics in general, and therefore, more chill.
12. You've stayed in more hostels in the last 4 months than the rest of your life combined, and you've changed as a result. You've seen things you can't explain and things you can, but would rather suppress.
13. You miss Aus a lot when you go home, but let’s face it, home wasn’t the same without you. You’ve been singing a lot of Adele out loud to yourself, with extra soul, so it’s safe to say you’re coping with the adjustment pretty well. And in all fairness, it’s nice to have outlets that fit your plugs again.

A link to my blog, while studying abroad:

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