Me to We Trip - Kenya

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had the experience of my life on this trip. You spend your days building a school, while also learning about the community and culture you are staying in and doing activities like a water walk, a safari and hiking up a mountain to take in the beautiful landscape (to name just a few). Also, some afternoons we went to a local primary school and got to play with kids there, and practice the swahili that we had been learning. You will do activities at night with your group that teach you about issues facing developing countries like Kenya around the world, such as education, water and healthcare. All in all, the experience is filled with moments that will open your mind to new ideas as well as giving you the fulfilling feeling of making a real, sustainable difference for people in that community.

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Yes, I would