Multiple Locations +2
  • Tanzania
  • Kenya
2 to 3 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Medium Group (16-30)


Starting Price
Price Details
Most youth trips include round-trip airfare from Toronto, Canada (when arranged by ME to WE). Some trip dates include round-trip airfare from select US cities (when arranged by ME to WE).

Adjusted program fees for participants departing from outside these gateways, are also available upon request.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airfare Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Travel Insurance Visa
Dec 12, 2019
May 09, 2018
5 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

- Volunteer in rural Maasai communities in Kenya or Tanzania.
- Explore local villages, learn about traditional Maasai culture and take Swahili lessons.
- Take a lorry ride on safari, with a Maasai warrior guide, and see if you can spot the the Big Five.
- Walk with Maasai mamas and experience firsthand the challenges of the daily "water walks".
- Take part in interactive leadership development workshops, learning more about the issues you're seeing every day in country, and how to take action on them.
- You have the choice to visit either Kenya, where you'll gain a better understanding of sustainable development as you explore communities where Free The Children has been working for over a decade, or Tanzania, where you can be a part of the first phases of development, breaking ground on classrooms or water projects in communities with previously little access to education or clean water.

Program Reviews

4.89 Rating
based on 9 reviews
  • 5 rating 88.89%
  • 4 rating 11.11%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 4.7
  • Value 4.7
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 1 - 8 of 9 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Most powerful trip eve!

My trip to Tanzania started off with my luggage being stolen. However when I arrived in Tanzania my facilitators were more then accommodating. They found a place for me to get under garments and even lent me tshirts to wear. They knowledgable, fun and worked so well with the kids and myself. Dayvo and Shaza are such beautiful people inside and out. I cannot wait to go back for another trip. I will be requesting them. Our Maasai warrior guides were so much fun and knowledgable! I loved hearing the story of Maasai culture and spending time with them and the kids at night during our down time. The accommodations were better then I ever expected and the staff at our camp was amazing. We all look forward to going back. If it were not for the group of employees we were paired with I truly believe my experience would have been much different. Dayvo, Shaza, Langoi and Lebahati are amazing people!!

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked to work with the children a little more.
135 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2nd me to we trip

Our facilitators in Kenya were beyond remarkable and what has been done by me to we with regards to the schools and hospital are also commendable! Though I believe that me to we needs to declare that this is a social awareness program rather than volunteer.

Having volunteered with other organizations, there was little time dedicated to volunteering in both India and Kenya. I was also add that as Me to We invites adults on this trip that they integrate their skills to aid the program. Fortunately this year those of us that could work I the hospital did, a total of three days out of two weeks. In the past we have brought suitcases of supplies and braces to other volunteer projects. We were told by me to we that it was not necessary - we beg to differ, there was plenty that we could have brought that would've helped with just the basics.

Lastly the cost of camping in army tents at a tune of $3000 was incomparable to the other location with the "cottages". I would rather me to we asked less all the way around and have everybody stay in army tents with outhouses, this would be closer to the people's reality to whom you are serving.

What would you improve about this program?
Yes though with the changes stated above.
134 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program


I have never had a better experience in my life. My Kenya trip was eye-opening as it showed me a reality much different than mine, but also provided me with the opportunity to help better this lifestyle for the people I met there. I made both a Kenyan family and a Canadian family (people who went on the trip with me) and I can truly say I will never forget them. Me to We is incredible as it provided so many chances to get a feel for how the Massai people live and gave me the opportunity to get to know some extremely empowering people in process! My facilitators and Warriors were supportive, knowledgeable and so much fun, and I felt the trip ran so smoothly. Thank you Me to We for giving me the trip of a lifetime! 11/10 would recommend!!

What would you improve about this program?
It was incredible start to finish. Absolutely no complaints.
132 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Jambo Kenyan Travellers!

If you are wanting one of the best experiences of your life, then head over to the Me to We website and sign up for one of these trips! If you need anymore convincing, feel free to watch the video I made about my trip. No, it does not contain everything that happens but it would be impossible to fit everything into one short video!!

What would you improve about this program?
One thing I would love to happen is that the company would put people from the same area, (province, state) so that you would be able to meet up with the life long friends you make on these trips!
107 people found this review helpful.
Response from ME to WE

Dear Peyton,

We are so glad to hear that you had such an amazing experience and love the video you made! What a beautiful tribute to the difference you made in that community.

Thank you for taking the time to write your review. We value your feedback regarding the geographical location of our travelers. While it is not always possible to have members of the same province or state travel together on one trip - this depends on the destination and the dates - you can think of it as having life long global friends! We are continually finding ways to improve our trips so other youth can experience the trip of a lifetime so if you have any more suggestions or thoughts, please contact us at surveys@metowe.com.

Me to We Trips

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Yes, I recommend this program

Inspiring and Empowering !

If you want a life changing experience, then you have come to the right place. My trip to Africa encompasses so many positive experiences. Since returning from my trip, well over a year ago, I still reflect on my time their and share my experiences frequently.

The bulk of this trip helped introduce me to humility and the importance of it. Building a school with my own to hands and seeing the genuine gratitude from the community ensured my efforts were worth every bead of sweat. Helping the Mama's by carrying Jerry-cans of water on your back, signified how privileged of a society our home in Canada is. Visiting the Mwangaza Hospital showed how fortunate we are to have health care and resources readily available upon request.

Forever the aspect that will stand out to me it the sense of community. Africa has a huge heart, constantly welcoming others, in order to allow them experience just a taste of its lively spirit. The community members we never shy to engage with us, and were always excited to share a piece of their world with us. In Africa, it does matter how much you make, or the materials you have, just that you support and care for others.

The programming helps individuals develop and establish different leadership skills, perspectives and social justice attitudes. It open up your mind to really show you, that no matter how small you might seem, you have the power to make a big change. It helps you create action plans, so you can focus your zest to change the world, because after all "Rome wasn't built in a day".

My MetoWe experience started when I was quiet young, and I do not intend to leave the family... not now... not ever...I encourage my peers on a daily basis to witness first hand the change MetoWe can foster in a person. Go, be the change you wish to see in the world.

116 people found this review helpful.
Response from ME to WE

Dear Katie,

We are so happy to hear that you had such an empowering and life-changing experience while travelling with us in Kenya! Your words are truly inspirational and I hope those around you know how lucky they are to have such a world changer in their lives.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write your review and if you would like to share more experiences with us please contact us at surveys@metowe.com.

Me to We Trips

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Yes, I recommend this program

Most Amazing Experience of My Life!!

Bogani is absolutely beautiful, the staff are amazing, and the food is out of the world. Everyday was planned out and we had a new and exciting adventure waiting fuir us every morning. The people of Kenya are amazing and made us feel so welcome and special.

This is a MUST do trip!!

101 people found this review helpful.
Response from ME to WE

Dear Christa,

Thank you for taking the time to write your review and we are so glad that you had such an amazing experience while travelling with us in Kenya!

If you would like to share more experiences with us please contact us at surveys@metowe.com.

Me to We Trips

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Yes, I recommend this program

Jamii Moja

Being in Kenya was the most amazing experience i have ever had! I had the opportunity to travel with 18 other girls, one of them being my best friend Madison.

Going into the trip i was extremely nervous and excited, i had no idea what to expect. It was helpful getting the chance to talk to a few of my good friends who have been on a Me to We trip before, to make me feel more comfortable and help me pack.

While i was there we stayed in the village of Sikirrar. Our camp was right around the corner from the school, so we got to spend a lot of time bonding with the children. Everyone was so friendly and happy. I don't think i have ever meet such happy people like the people in kenya.

I was lucky to have such a small group because we all became very close so fast, we ended up coming up with the name "Jamii Moja" for our group which means "One Family" in swahili. We even came up with a cheer to go with out name. A week into the trip we really became one family and ill never forget the friends i made.

My group was extremely motivated on the build site. Our facilitators continued to tell us how shocked they were of how much we accomplished for just being a group of 19 girls. While in Sikirrar, we finished a school and watched the roof go up, we brook ground on the kitchen, and began to put up the walls on the teacher housing. Our goal was to reach 5 bricks high on the kitchen, and although we only got to 3, it was still an amazing feeling to know how much we achieved together.

Ill never forget the day Keilen and i were finishing the last trench before we could pour concrete. It had to be one of the hottest build days. We both never stopped, because we so determined to reach 5 bricks high. When we finally finished, Steven, one of the community members was standing at the fence watching, he got a little closer and said "This will never be forgotten". This one sentence made me realize how grateful the community members are, and how much all our hard work was paying off!

The water walk was a full day of emotions. We woke up had our breakfast and went the walk with two of the local mamas. Paired up with a partner we walked from the river to these mamas homes carrying this massive water jug on our heads. We got to spend time with the mamas family and then went home and had a long talk that night about water. That day i really released how important water is to our world
and how many people lack it.

There were so many amazing things about my trip to kenya, from John our massi warrior reading the cosmo magazine to touring kissaruni, and the countless hour put into the build site. Kenya will always be apart of me.

What would you improve about this program?
If i were to change one thing i would change the action planning a little differently. I felt that we spent a lot of time action planning when i would of rather been getting to know my fellow volunteers. It almost felt like it was something we had to do rather than us wanting to continue action planning.
107 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Me to We Trip - Kenya

I had the experience of my life on this trip. You spend your days building a school, while also learning about the community and culture you are staying in and doing activities like a water walk, a safari and hiking up a mountain to take in the beautiful landscape (to name just a few). Also, some afternoons we went to a local primary school and got to play with kids there, and practice the swahili that we had been learning. You will do activities at night with your group that teach you about issues facing developing countries like Kenya around the world, such as education, water and healthcare. All in all, the experience is filled with moments that will open your mind to new ideas as well as giving you the fulfilling feeling of making a real, sustainable difference for people in that community.

What would you improve about this program?
If I could change one thing about my trip I would have spent more time learning Swahili. They give you three lessons at the beginning of your trip which were really helpful, but I wish we had had more of them so as to help further facilitate communication with members of the community which didn't speak much english. But we did have a Maasai warrior staying with us throughout the trip who was fluent and our facilitators spoke a lot of Swahili, so this wasn't too much of an issue in the scope of the trip!
118 people found this review helpful.

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