Six weeks of wonderful new impressions

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I did the volunteering program of Tshega Christian Missions during August and September 2014. From Monday to Tueasday we went to the the Lighthouse Acadamy and Lamb's Haven Kindergarten, what is the "main" project of Tshega. There we supported the children from Grade R up to Grade 3 during the classes and helped the weaker ones in reading and writing.
There are also 3 Outreaches in which the vonunteers are included. The first one ist Sara's Pirmary,a public School. At Sara's we had to teach the children of grade 1,2 and 3, because they don't learn that much from their teachers. So all the children were always really happy, when we learned with them!
The second outreach program is the disability centre. There we played, danced, painted, read... with the disabled children.
The last Outreach is the feeding scheme. The children can go there after School to get a warm meal by two ladies who cook for them. After lunch we volunteers did homework with them or played with them outside.
I really had fun with the children and all the members of Tshega. Everyone is so friendly, that you always feel very welcome and also "needed". And the most amazing thing is, that you really can recognize that your help is worth it. You can see an improvement and the children are really willing to learn something.

On the Weekends we always did great excursions. Marina, the volunteer manager, always brought us to very nice places. We did a Panorama tour in the mountains, visited Baby lions and tigers, went to the Kruger Nationalpark and so much more.

For me the volunteer project of Tshega Christian Missions was a really, really good decision. I learned so much about their culture, their way of living and I got so many new impressions. I really felt like beeing a part of a family with the other volunteers, because I got along very well with all the others.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would