Living the dream

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 4

For nearly five months I've been an au pair in Beijing the wonderful and always busy capital of China. You soon realize, that in a country as big as this distance is quite relative! But back to the beginning: I came to China in the end of July and even though my home country, Germany, gets pretty hot in the summer is no comparison to China's tropical humidity. After a seemingly endless flight to Shanghai, another German and one Australian girl went on another pretty long bus ride. The driving style left us pretty much praying to reach our destination Hangzhou alive. Finally there we had three nice days with the wonderful people in the LoPair office. Over all time of my stay, whenever there was a problem, there would always be someone to take care of you! Even though in the first few weeks our biggest fear was getting run over, I personally am now even more reckless than some locals. Of course the first time in your host family is a bit awkward but for me everything turned out fine and I'm enjoying every minute with my host kids! Some time we spend learning and often we go out to the park, do sports or cook and bake. But whatever we do it's always fun and I can't believe that there will come a day I have to leave. China itself has become home for me, the people are warm, welcoming, helpful and sometimes a little too impressed by seeing a foreigner and make the best food in the world! I fell in love with the beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities and would advise everyone to have this experience themselves! I for my part have decided to extend my program in this wonderful country! Good luck to everyone who wants to start their own experience abroad!

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Thank you for always being there for me! Keep up the great work and take care