The most memorable year in college

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The number one thing I have gained this year was learning to only do and buy what makes me happy. This may seem so simple and easy, but I didn't know what this truly meant for me until I came to Ireland. Specifically when I went to Kinsale with a couple amazing friends, and purchased gold runners at a local thrift shop. The second I stepped into these marvelous clouds of comfort, and style my feet began to smile - have you ever felt your feet smile before? This small purchase changed my life! This seems ridiculous because they're just shoes, but they are the reason for my happy adventures :) They sparked what I will forever refer to as, "The Greatest Year of My Life"... So far ;).

Leave your expectations at home when coming to Ireland. I can't tell you how many of my expectations have been crushed this year!

If you are going to come for the whole year, and you're looking to really achieve personal growth I highly recommend not going home for the holidays. Go somewhere new and really unfamiliar. I WWOOFed on an organic farm in Portugal for about a week. I stayed with them over Christmas, and I got to experience my first holiday season away from home. I learned so much during that week. Things I don't believe I could have learnt if I wouldn't have taken on this personal challenge to stay abroad for the entire year. I'm not going to lie or sugarcoat this.. my experience on the farm was not what I wanted. It was actually the exact opposite of what I expected. I was suppose to stay for a month, but I felt so mistreated and unsafe that I knew I needed to return back to Ireland (The place I have come to label as being one of the safest European Countries).

Do things you wouldn't normally do! I got involved with the Art Society. I am the special events coordinator, and I have loved this part of my year so much.

Please don't focus the year on locking down an Irish person... It's not important and most likely not going to happen. Please, please don't focus your time on this. Just have fun! Enjoy your time here!! It's one of the greatest countries in the world. UCC is amazing as well! Cork is the best county in Ireland! Loads of craic to be had ;)

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Yes, I would
Year Completed