Life-changing sounds like a cliche

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

How do I describe my experience without sounding like every traveler who's ever gone somewhere new? How do I explain how affected I was by my trip? I don't think any words could truly do it justice because it wasn't the sites and it wasn't the people. It was the emotions. The feelings that I don't think I ever could have felt in any other place.

I spent 5 weeks in Bogota, Colombia. Primarily, my time was spent in a daycare in Soacha. I fell in love with those kids. So much so that I couldn't keep from crying on my last day. They gave me hugs and kisses and I wish that I could have stayed. This program was more than just an opportunity to do good. I don't have many applicable skills. I can't eradicate poverty. I am not a health care professional. I don't have any fancy degrees. All I have is my dedication to making people feel better. I went to Bogota thinking I could change lives. That isn't realistic. I didn't do that. I know. I doubt those kids really think about me anymore but I know that I made a difference in their days. I know that we laughed a lot and they taught me funny words in Spanish that didn't mean what they thought they did and I know that they were happy and smiling when we all went home. And that matters to me. That made a difference to me.

I think if you want to volunteer with IVHQ, it shouldn't be from the perspective of wanting to save people. Because chances are, they're going to end up saving you instead. You're going to go someplace amazing and you may have a lasting effect on the people you meet and you may not. They may not remember you but you'll remember them. Those experiences will become an indistinguishable aspect of your identity and you will grow more than you thought you had the room to. You will love more than you ever thought you could. You will come back a little different. And that's alright. Look forward to it. Think about where you're going to go next and what you're going to do and the all ways you'll change.

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