From India, With Love

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

It's my final day in Faridabad, India and my heart is already aching from everything I will leave behind. I was very lucky to be placed in Mohit & Chandni's home (they are also coordinationators for IVHQ). They provided delicious meals and accommodations. But most importantly they made me feel a part of their beautiful family. I spent hours talking to them over dinner, laughing and joking around. I also had the opportunity to pick up some basic Hindi thanks to their help. I wasn't homesick for a second because they were always available to speak to.
My program was walking distance from my homestay. I taught English, and Math but also dabbled on some other subjects. The kids ranged from kindergarten to 8th grade. I worked mainly with the 5th and 7th graders. They were all incredibly friendly, happy, and eager to learn everyday. I would leave school every day with atleast 10 pictures drawn by them. I will miss them so much. They've taught me more than they could ever imagine. Their smiling faces will be in my heart forever.
This experience has been more incredible than I would've imagined a month ago. I am already working out my next volunteering trip with IVHQ! I highly recommend visiting and volunteering with IVHQ India, you will learn so much about yourself and the beautiful, colorful culture here in India. -Namaste!!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed