Why I Love Barcelona

Academics: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Honestly, I decided I was going to study abroad two weeks before I applied. I have always wanted to travel to Europe and explore the world. I figured why not just go for it. I explored study abroad programs and chatted with people and concluded that CEA was my best bet-the staff was honestly most helpful through everything. Yeah, there’s a lot of work that goes into applying for a study abroad program, like transfer credit forms, advisor approval forms, applications through your home school etc., but believe it or not, I got it all done in those two weeks. Thanks to CEA’s staff again. It’s funny looking back to that time now because none of my friends believed me when I told them I applied and would be studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain the upcoming month.

I’m so glad I proved them wrong. Studying abroad in Barcelona was the best experience of my life. I had the opportunity to see some phenomenal works of art and the most breathtaking views. The views and buildings just got better and better with each new place I went. From Plaze de Espanya to Casa Milla to Parc Guell to Parc de la Ciutadella to Castle Montjuic to la Sagrada Familia to Montserrat… and the list goes on. Literally anywhere you go in Barcelona is beautiful.

Of course everyone wants to hear and see pictures of the architecture, that’s what Barcelona’s known for! But honestly, what I loved most about Barcelona is the culture. I had never taken a Spanish course until I got to Barcelona, and I’m so glad I did. It made it so much easier to learn the language and communicate with locals. I actually felt (half) fluent by the time I left. It definitely made it easier to immerse into the culture as well. I felt so comfortable traveling the city alone and meeting new people! Everyone is so friendly in Barcelona and everything is slow-paced, there’s nothing you could complain about.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed