Teaching English in Colombia

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I volunteered teaching English in Bogota for 3 weeks, however I by the end of my 3 week programme I had in fact volunteered on a number of different projects, which was really interesting! The opportunity to volunteer on these various projects was something I enjoyed about the programme in Bogota. I remember one day I had signed up to volunteer on the 'feeding the homeless' programme, and left the house in the morning with fellow volunteers on the programme. Once we arrived at the building in which we were to prepare food and meals for the homeless, we saw some nuns from the area and they were going to Soacha (an area just outside Bogota), to distribute supplies and food. They needed some help as there was a lot of food and the supplies were quite heavy, so myself and one other volunteer decided to go along with them and help distribute the supplies. The drive to Soacha was around one hour, however the humour of the nuns made the journey enjoyable! When we arrived there were lots of people lined up and we had to try and control the crowd and give them supplies. After we had distributed all the supplies we returned to Bogota and back to the volunteer house. It was amazing to see the conditions of the area, and to give help to the people there was great.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed