Worth it but not for everyone !

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Hello everyone,
My name is Clara, I'm french and I'm an au pair since november 2016 (about 5 months now). My host family is composed with a journalist mother, an artist father and Chloe, my host child.
This program will make you discover China and chinese mentality. You will also take part in a lot of activities with you family (restaurants, hostels, trips, museums...).

But you have to know that your host family pays a lot to have you and they will expect a lot from you. For example, I am the first au pair of my host family and I have to plan a schedule every week for Chloe so she can make progress, the host mom also wants the proof of her progress !

But I have met a lot of people that I can now call my friends and a very good team at Lopair that will help you for everything (thanks Nancy for booking my tickets to Shanghai for an exam !).

I have lived a lot of things now and it worth it, but you have to work hard !

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed