Semester in Thailand

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Program Review

Studying abroad is something that I suggest for everyone, no matter his or her field of interest or past experience with travel (or lack thereof). I studied abroad last year with CISabroad Semester in Thailand. I had traveled quite a bit before that, but it truly provided me with a unique experience and taught me many lessons. Prior to that program, I had mainly traveled with family. Studying abroad with CISabroad provided the perfect mix of self-sufficiency and intensive support system. My experience abroad taught me to rely on myself in new ways, and I discovered how much I love to travel solo. This summer, I intend to do exactly that. While I learned this about myself, I also really appreciated the structure of the Semester Abroad program. There were multiple people from the program that were based in Thailand and they were always very friendly and helpful. They always offered advice and guidance when needed. The other participants in the program were also a major highlight. Not only did we enjoy having classes together, we also traveled together on the weekends. There were multiple excursions planned by CISabroad during the semester. These provided a great way to see more of Thailand, without having to worry about logistics because everything was taken care of. All in all, I suggest the program to anyone interested in visiting South East Asia. I am already wishing I could return!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed