The BEST Decision of my Life

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Aix is special for so many reasons, and it doesn't take much for one to understand why once they visit the town. The people, the scenery, the nightlife and the just everything in general make Aix the perfect destination for a college student while studying abroad. I was supposed to go to Paris, but switched last minute after the attacks last November. I had no idea what to expect, and was slightly bummed I couldn't go to Paris. However, it was clear during my first day in Aix that this is where I was meant to be the whole time. I instantly fell in love with the town, the people in my program and the wonderful directors who go above and beyond to make the students feel welcomed and important. I was able to meet many wonderful French students and actually speak French. I'm already planning my next trip back very soon. Because the town is smaller, the amount of people that speak English is much smaller than in a big city like Paris. So, I was forced to use my French and grew tremendously in my language skills. I also love the fact that you can walk anywhere in Aix and enjoy the beautiful weather by doing so. (It never gets really cold, which I enjoy because I'm from the Midwest.) There is also a wonderful bus system for a very small fare that can take you anywhere in the region (that means the beach!). Aix was the best, accidental, decision I have ever made, and I am very grateful for it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed