The highlight of my summer

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Traveling with IVHQ was a decision I decided to pursue because of a friend's recommendation. I had heard great things and found that the price was the perfect fit for me to make my desire to travel South America come true. It all happened very quickly but IVHQ's quick response to all the questions I had from travel insurance to homestay accommodations quickly eased my anxiety about committing to something so quickly. I followed all of their suggestions on how to prepare for the trip and it all really does make you feel like you're 100% ready to embark on a journey abroad.

Once in Peru everything worked out so smoothly, I had nothing to do but enjoy my experience there. From the moment I landed, I was meeting new people. I got a folder with all the information I needed to get ready for the two weeks I signed up for. My only regret is not signing up for longer because my time in Cusco, Peru was such a beautiful and surprising experience full of unforgettable moments with some of the most genuine people I have yet to meet. I was excited to travel abroad but what I experienced was far more than anything IVHQ could've prepared me for. It was full of adventure, love and most importantly volunteering.

My placement for teaching english allowed me to feel confident in my skills but also gave me so much room to grow and learn from the others surrounding me. I signed up for two weeks and felt like I had gained so much experience. I really cannot imagine what it would've been like if I had chosen to be there for a extended amount of time.

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Yes, I would