Realistic and working abroad in Asia

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

I have lived in Asia for the past 6 years, and I'm no stranger to culture shock. Every country is different. That being said- what are your goals, and why you are wanting to work abroad. As most people understand any job has its pros and cons. Now add cultural differences to the mix. I would consider myself to be level-headed and realistic. I have enjoyed my time with HESS and have gained a lot of experience as a teacher. Overall, I don't have any complaints about HESS. By biggest advice for people is to BE FLEXIBLE. If you find this to be difficult then you will have difficulty. I think it is important for you to know that you will not know your teaching location until the end of training- this was the most difficult thing for many of my co-trainees to get used to. Just remember, have faith in the system. The staff is actually looking out for your best interest. They will try their best to place you where you will succeed.
There was a big adjustment going from Taipei training conditions to my rural area, DaJia Taichung, but after a few weeks I seemed to adjust fine.
HESS tries their best to prepare you financially. Take their advice seriously. I brought with me 1000 USD and I took out the interest free of NT30000. I managed to survive alright by the time I received my first paycheck. REMEMBER to save while you are in Taipei. Don't spend all your money!
I advise you to read the other reviews and think about this decision seriously. Is HESS for everyone? No, it isn't, BUT I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, and will be renewing my contract.
STAY FLEXIBLE and PATIENT. Taiwan is a great, safe place!

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