Mother Son Peruvian Adventure

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had recently finished graduate school and had a career break this summer. Traveling internationally and volunteering abroad is something that I have always been passionate about. My parents had instilled this in me from an early age and I thought now would be a good time to instill this in my own son. After talking with a representative from IVHQ they assured me that volunteering with my son was completely plausible (and encouraged) and that we would be safe at all times. My six year old son and I decided to travel to Cusco, Peru for three weeks where we worked at a local preschool, part of a childcare program. It was absolutely amazing. It was a great experience for my son to be able to interact with kids his own age from a different culture. I loved working with the children as well! On weekends we had time to explore, hike, and tour nearby cities. We stayed with a host family that was a perfect fit for us. They had a four year old son that my son enjoyed playing with. My son even picked up a lot of Spanish just talking and playing with the children there. The local staff team was always kind and ready to help us if we needed it, but the organization prepared everything so well for us that we rarely ever needed anything else. I encourage anyone (child or no child) to travel through IVHQ. I was thoroughly impressed with all of their services and their support.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed