An Incredible 3 Weeks

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

To all anxious, first-time volunteers,

It's hard to pinpoint what made me choose South Africa. As a Canadian student who had never traveled solo before in her life, it seemed like the most unlikely place for me to choose. I didn't know anyone there and, to be frank, I'd never even given the country a second thought. My family thought I was insane to traveling to a place two whole continents away. As the rebellious person that I am, I ignored their nagging and dove into what seemed like an endless number of forms that needed submitting and bags that had to be packed. Caught up in the excitement of it all, I felt like I was in a dream; as if I were about to wake up from it at any second. None of this was actually going to happen, right? It wasn't until I found myself sitting on the plane with a cram-packed backpack on my lap that I began to feel the reality of it all. Yes, I know this sounds all cliche, but bear with me. I'm not lying when I say that I felt utterly alone on that journey over. It was a brutal 32 and a half hours and the last 12 were accompanied by full out panic attacks. It even got to the point where I was seriously considering not boarding the plane. Well, I am extremely and ecstatically pleased to tell you that I did not go along with that plan. Yes, that's right, not me. I made it to Cape Town (and eventually Langebaan) all in one piece, and as a result I had one of the most memorable three weeks of my life.

It's impossible for me to tell you about everything that happened during the time I spent on the Conservation program. All I can say is that I got to experience cultures and adventures that I never even knew existed. Some of them were amazing; none of them were terrible. Everyone staying at the volunteer house was very friendly and we all became involved in some really neat projects. I'd have to say that one of my main highlights took place at the Langebaan Primary School, teaching all the sweet, energetic kids about local conservation issues and fixing up their library. Working out in the field was also incredible and resulted in many beautiful photos (if you're a sucker for sunsets, this is the place to be). The weekends were also filled with many opportunities to explore and climbing Table Mountain was one of the best. The photos truly do not do it justice.

So even though you may be feeling nervous about taking off on a volunteer trip for the first time (like I did), I'm telling you that it will definitely be worth it in the end. South Africa is an incredible place and you'll only regret it if you pass up this chance to experience it. That being said, bon voyage!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed