New Beginnings thanks LIVE TEFL Prague!

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 1

It was an amazing experience to arrive in Prague and have mostly everything LIVE up to my expectations. I had never been to Prague before so that would be the only other way to know what to expect! Firstly, the city is beautiful and very easy to maneuver. The location of the school is in a prime ex-pat area, lots of shops speak English and the people are very willing to help a lost TEFL student. I really enjoyed my time spent during the course and was able to expand my 15 year teaching experience within a whole new context and culture. The methodology course was given by the head of the department and this was great because we were able to ask real life questions and the implementation of our new skills.

Additionally, since it was summer time, there were plenty of activities in the city to experience. This helped to take a break from the intense study and get to know the city as your new potential home. I really enjoyed having access to the teacher's room in order to prepare for lessons. The room always had a great work energy and there was always someone around to offer advise. All and all, I feel this experience has set me up in the right direction in my new life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed