Experience Of A Lifetime

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 3
Safety: 4

July 3rd, I wait patiently in the airport. Overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts. I'm surrounded by new people and a new environment. 21 and it's my first time traveling abroad alone and my first time overseas. 9,500 miles from hom and at first I was completely unsure of how to feel. This is where I'd spend the next four weeks living and volunteering with IVHQ. After a bus ride filled with friendly jet lagged strangers and anticipation, we arrive at the green-lion volunteer house. This very moment I couldn't tell if I had made the best or worst decision of my life; soon enough I'd realize it was the best. Volunteering abroad was the best decision I could have made for myself. What seemed to have been a lifetime in the beginning went by in the blink of an eye. Completely out of my comfort zone and home sick, I learned to adapt to my surroundings. I think we begin to grow when we are uncomfortable; being uncomfortable means learning new things. Learning new things about yourself and your surroundings. Volunteering abroad taught me more than any textbook or professor ever has. There are some lessons we must learn on our own; the ones they don't teach you in school. I learned to appreciate every little thing life has given me, I learned to embrace each moment as if it might be the last, I learned to laugh through the hard times, and most importantly I learned a lot about unconditional love. In those very moments, those moments of volunteering, it becomes overwhelming. Everyday is a lesson on its own, and at first it's a lot to take in. After you're done though, that's when it all sinks in. It sinks in how much of an impact you made on at least one persons life. It sinks in how much love you and the people you were surrounded by have to give. You realize you're far greater than you give yourself credit for. You become aware that there's a whole other world out there than what you're use to. You become stronger; mentally and emotionally. I developed friendships with people that will last a lifetime. I have memories that I'll never forget. I have stories that I'll never get tired of telling. I had an experience of a lifetime. Volunteering abroad was the hardest, yet most amazing experience of my life. IVHQ is the most affordable volunteer abroad program, but I promise you can't put a price tag on what you'll gain from volunteering abroad. I can't put a price tag on the laughter, tears, and memories I now share with the lovely people I met along my journey. I will never forget my time spent in Sri Lanka. Even though there were days I missed my family and my own bed, I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. I will forever cherish my time spent abroad and Sri Lanka and the people I met will always hold a special place in my heart. I encourage every person to challenge themselves to go and work in a foreign land. It won't be easy, it won't always be fun and exciting, but I can tell you one thing for sure it will always be worth it in the end.

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