Very good school

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

This is the 1st time my son, 12 years old, attends a Mandarin program in China. We are Australian and French. When we left Australia, he could read pinying but could only say a few words in Mandarin. When we arrived in Beijing, as I cannot talk a word of Mandarin, except for ‘ni hao’, I asked my son to help a bit at the restaurant ect... with no success. After a week he gained confidence and was willing to talk in Mandarin in our every day life. I am so happy, this is a real success. He has learned at lot over these 2 weeks and on the top of it he had very good fun. As he enrolled the day camp, he has been eating at the school. They had a choice of 4 dishes every day (mixture of Asian and European dishes) and the food has been very good, according to my son. They even went to a restaurant on Friday and had a choice of dishes to share. He has had educational holidays! This is perfect. The school staff is very helpful and the teachers are very nice. They all try to assist you in any of the problems you might encounter in a country where you cannot speak the language. All people I met in this school are very happy with the outcomes and the social environment. I highly recommend the Chinese summer camp at ‘That’s Mandarin’ School.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed