Smiles, Volcanoes and TEFL awesomeness!

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 4

Guatemala is a country I had never heard of before, I wasn't aware of its existence and would never have thought about choosing it as a place to visit nevermind relocate to Antigua for a month to complete my TEFL certification. I am so glad that I chose Maximo Nivel to complete my course, it is an experience I will cherish forever! Antigua is a beautiful place with cobbled streets, gorgeous buildings and the happiest people I have ever encountered. There isn't a day I can't recall walking down the streets from my home stay to Maximo without seeing a smiling face or being greeted warmly. As for Maximo I can't praise the staff enough for the help while being in Antigua, whether it was to do with the course or what I should do in my spare time they were more than happy to help. Karen Wilke was my TEFL trainer while at Maximo Nivel and she is an amazing woman with a huge passion for education that she passed onto all of my peers on the course, the topics were covered in detail but that didn't mean the lessons were boring, they were far from it, from learning on the terrace of the Maximo building with the view of the Volcanoes in the background to getting up out of our seats and dancing the classes were full of laughter and learning! The practical teaching week was definitely the highlight of the course for me with great feedback and support provided for every lesson. I can't thank Karen and the Maximo Nivel staff for making my experience of Guatemala an amazing one!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed