Hybrid TEFL Course at Maximo Nivel

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

As a hybrid student at Maximo Nivel, I had a terrific experience. Doing the first two weeks of the course online from my home made it possible for me to keep my job in the states while still getting to get an abroad teaching experience the last two weeks of the course. I loved the flexibility of the online portion of the course, although I did not feel extremely connected to Maximo Nivel, my course instructor, or classmates during the online portion. Aside from some time zone confusions, my instructor was still very present and able to Skype with me whenever I needed and I felt supported, just not connected to the program. That all changed when I arrived to my teaching site in Costa Rica and met my classmates and instructor. Everyone was extremely welcoming. As a hybrid student, I had done all the reading I was supposed to have done and if I hadn't, I would have felt behind the rest of the class- I was in fact ahead of them on some things. One hard thing was that I had missed some cool lessons with the class during the first two weeks that couldn't be given over Skype (one class the instructor apparently taught in czech). All in all, I was grateful for my experience in the hybrid program. Doing the first two weeks online allowed me to keep my job in the states, but I still feel like my two weeks in Costa Rica were enough to give me a taste of what teaching abroad would feel like

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed